Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

When I email someone and they respond with a phone call it is usually because they want to change my mind about something, which is harder to do over email.

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There’s a guy I work with who instantly calls me post my email which I find even more annoying because he’ll go on for thirty minutes answering a question that merits a sentence or maybeeee a paragraph reply

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About half the time I try to start dating a guy, I get “hi” texts

I’m sorry, I don’t think we’re a match

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Maybe I’m getting to the ‘get off my lawn’ age, but the

Me: thank you
Them: no worries

Is really starting to grate on me. Acceptable responses to thank you are you’re welcome and my pleasure, I think.


“no worries” is better than “not at all”

Wait until you do the literal translation of

de nada
de rien

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I saw a good explanation on this a few years ago. Something about generational differences where boomers expect to be thanked for simple things like holding a door whereas kids these days just do said things to help others without expecting thanks or feeling troubled about having to help someone in a small way. Hence the “no problem” or “no worries” because holding the door or giving your old ass directions when you get lost is literally not a problem for the kids, they’re happy to help.


I have heard “alright” in response to “thank you” many times. That rustles my jimmies a tad.

you guys may suck at gratitude


Thank you.

Very well.

“No problem” belongs on the acceptable list imo.

“No worries” is a little odd after thank you. Obviously fine after “sorry”.

The one that sends me absolutely through the roof is “I appreciate you”.

Yeah, where the fuck did this come from? I got two of those this week. They were nice, but I’m still rustled.

You are enough.

WTF is this?

I’m basically Kevin Hart right now.



Bless your Heart

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“Hey, there are reasons no one ever told you any of this.”

Some of that stuff reminds me of this

I’m calling BS on this one. No one says this. I’d buy it on a card. But as a spoken thing. No way.

Didn’t read, but this is where I noticed it

Didn’t read either, but I was talking about “You are Enough”. I’ve heard I’ve appreciate you a few times, and gotten it in a text or email many more times than that.