Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

I wear PJs to work I don’t wear collars lol

This shit makes me so mad.

See the tiny little “ea”?

And they still don’t show the total. They literally take your money before every showing the actual total.

And they won’t refund. Also they keep you busy on customer service while they keep resubmitting your payment to the credit card company (because apparently that works if the CC company tries to reach out to the customer before approving).

I see it in the same size as everything else on the second page.

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$942 each are former president level prices.

What happened to Polar Seltzer 12-packs? For quite a long time the Fred Meyers (Krogers) around me had a 3 for $13 deal on 12-packs. Now FM and Safeway only sell 8 packs for $4.79. Just like that fewer items and a higher price, I feel like shouting the Pledge of Allegiance god bless it all.

Soda prices are flat out rediculous right now. Greed? Inflation? Both? I don’t know but Im soon gonna have to start drinking the Kroger/Albertsons brand. They want like 8 bucks a 12 pack sometimes if not on sale.

It’s been like that since before COVID

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I grew up drinking Dr K.

That’s fine if you’re planning to live forever.

i hate when i said someone at the company an email and their response is to message me on teams “hi”. how about you respond to the email instead?

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I still deal with people who sometimes respond to an email with a phone call!

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That can be appropriate in certain situations, like when someone is so confused about something that you’re not even speaking the same language.


Yeah I do this sometimes. It clears things up much more quickly.

That and just leading with “hi suzzer” on Slack and then waiting.


I need to know what this is about so I can know whether to put you off for a few hours or not.

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What if you just respond with “hi” right back at them and let them figure out that you need more?

At a previous company I remember someone having this set as their slack status and for me it was an effective way of communicating the problem.


Regarding the Hi thing, I aggro quizzed someone on this once and they stated that they do it to verify the person is at keyboard and available to respond. I told them that was cool and with me they should go with Hi, [insert question/problem/insightful assertion here] We never had an issue going forward. Regarding everyone else, I do the NBZ technique which works fine as it gets them moving,

Not having worked in this sort of setting, I imagine there are people who think of email as a more formal form of communication and want something more informal and chatty.