Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

My point here is that in society. Most obligations overlap.

A friend breaks a non expensive chair at your house. They should try to pay. They are an asshole if they dont.

You should say no. You would be an asshole if you say yes.

This is what I mean.

Ah. Being a douche myself, I’d say that’s about etiquette and not ethics.

Where’s the closest kids barber to where you were? Why do you assume that all adults are capable of cutting their child’s hair? What if this is their cheapest and most convenient option?

You’re really just asking us to sanction you being upset by allowing you to blame the parents for not following unwritten rules so that you don’t feel selfish.


Sorry for being a bit of a dick here. This take hits home hard for me, on top of the shitty things a couple moms said to me as the only dad at a playtime for kids at the library. Hard not to think of what other people are thinking when they see me out with my daughter.

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What did they say?

My brother-in-law gets this a lot, since he has a more flexible schedule than his wife and does more of these kinds of activities. He never really gets any overt hate, it’s mostly just shunning like if he wants to schedule a play date or something.

As someone with a 9 month old, I’d be more than happy to let you pay me to watch him for a bit :stuck_out_tongue:

Joking aside, anything in particular that you would do or relish?

I’ve also been following this conversation for general tips, but my baby has less hair than me (and I’m balding + buzz my hair once a week). I actually kinda expect that he’ll just follow in daddy’s footsteps and I’ll be able to use the clippers on him at home so I won’t even have to go to the barber in the first place.

Sorry, offer only valid for my own kid :)

I was a stay at home dad from 12 - 24 months so that’s an era that’s especially vivid. I feel it was a really important time for building the bond we still have 5 years later.

I miss taking her to the museum each Friday afternoon for a walk around and a coffee.
I miss old ladies always smiling at us.
I miss taking her to story time at the library and having the moms make rude comments lol.
I miss getting tons of unearned praise out in public for being a dad with a kid.



Like what? I’m really curious about what they would say.

Most commonly shit about me babysitting or even a few about me being divorced. Once about me not having a job.

Biggest issue is that my child is a giant (something like a std deviation above the 99th percentile for her age), so people think she’s older than she is and is behind developmentally. So it will be a lot of “oh she’s not doing that yet?” type talk or acting all disgusted when my teething 12 month old puts all the toys in her mouth and looks at me like I should stop it.

It’s hard for me to quote because most of the time I don’t even realize it’s a shitty thing to say until I think about it later. I’ll ask my wife what was meant by it and she’ll get super mad. Apparently there’s like mom group shit talking that goes on.

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That’s interesting. I was/am a very involved dad and can’t remember ever getting anything other than admiration tinged with jealousy from the moms. And several who wanted to talk my ear off about their problems.

I just signed up to Paramount+ and was excited to see that the Real World was available:


Only to find out that a big chunk of the earlier seasons (the ones I actually have nostalgia for and wanted to watch) aren’t available:

So it’s great that I can see Los Angeles, San Francisco, London I guess, New Orleans***, and Las Vegas. But I can’t see Miami, Seattle, Chicago, and San Diego? That is some straight up bullshit.

***Sick brag: When my family visited New Orleans a few months ago, we walked past the Real World house and bumped into the owner walking his dog. Super friendly guy and we talked for a while about his experience renovating the house and having things filmed there.

I had the same problem with Survivor on P+…I thought finally, I was going to get to rewatch season 1!, only to find out they didn’t have anything before season 30. Straight up bullshit is right.

I spent a lot of time with my kids when they were little (still do, I’m on a cot in my 23yo’s apartment rn) and the only negging I remember is older ladies telling me my kids will catch cold/not dressed warm enough. Did not bother me.

Wait seriously?

I’m the only guy when I bring my 3 year old to story time at the library and I’ve never heard anything negative about me being there

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Real Housewives: Library apparently my life.

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That sucks

Maybe CN gives off unemployed hobo dad vibes…

What outfit are you rocking on these outings?

Old t shirt, jeans, hokas.

Put on a collar. Lol.

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