Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

What does “lion the witch” even mean? Did you mean lie and if so, how did she lie?

Ordering a slice of cake to go is an elite move - you get to enjoy a nice dessert on your own time without forcing yourself to cram it in your gullet immediately after eating dinner. I think @grue is a good poster and I applaud ranting, but don’t think it’s justified this time.


Sure when you’re paying, order all you want to go. When someone else is paying it’s cheesy.

Kanye west no

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If the someone else is a casual friend or something where it is especially generous to offer in the first place, then maybe.

Here, where it is a family member w/ plenty of $ and probably a lot more than recipient (fair assumption based on grue’s posting history) then grue should have suggested ordering the slice to go, or whatever else she desired, himself. It’s a “More anything? More everything!” situation.

I also don’t order the most expensive thing on the menu if I know someone else is paying. It’s just courtesy imo.

This is why the best system is to either split the bill, or one friend snakes the waiter and pays first.

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You do not give the impression you are poor, the opposite. YOU are the family member with plenty of money and probably a lot more than the MIL. Therefore, you should encourage her to order whatever her heart desires rather than begrudge a slice of cake to go.


I think you misunderstood. If someone offers to buy you a meal, but that person is not a close friend and/or has little money, it would be kind of you to be conservative in your order. “Grilled chicken, please. With a glass of tap water. No dessert.”

But if that someone is a close friend or family member and is grue-level wealthy, it’s more reasonable to view that as an offer that they legitimately want to see you enjoy.

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To be clear that I’m not taking crazy pills here, MIL means the Mother in Law meaning the MOTHER of your wife…. meaning the person who feed your wife thousands and thousands of meals of as a child?

And in their destitute old age, it is too much to expect a meal w/ cake to go that you and your wife can trivially afford the every few years they see you?


CCR if everyone is properly rolled for dinner.


And poker players.

Irieguy has a thread where a normie wife freerolled him by playing CCR, then demanding a split when they lost.

We used to play CCR at lunch - like 4-6 well-paid computer programmers, maybe $20/person. Not really a big deal. But some of those guys it would ruin their entire month if they lost. So of course the guy who absolutely couldn’t stomach losing lost way more than his share, which was hilarious.

Then he refused to play, which ruined the game.

But he’s the SonIL. He gets to look like BMOC taking care of the MIL. Actually now I’m getting angry at Grue. He should have insisted that everyone get desserts to go so the MIL didn’t feel (unnecessary) awkwardness.


I kind of assumed the MiL was a pain in the ass in other ways.

Not worth getting bothered over imo. But also kind of lame by the MiL imo.

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Look, you don’t get to grue levels of wealth by buying dessert for every Tom, Dick, and Mary.


Well we’re getting more and more of our stuff shipped to our homes. In that model it makes more sense to have efficient shipping to the consumer, with assembly at home, instead of shipping a fully assembled item. Usually unassembled goods can be packed more efficiently.

Whoever invented resort fees should go to Guantanamo too.


I was just busting chops.

Wait. So, I leave for a few days and suddenly @grue is the asshole? How did that happen?


She wanted to have her cake and eat it too. I’m down with that.

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