Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

If that warrants a rant, things are going pretty good in Germany.

Pretty much everybody hates Ceska Televize here. It’s the BBC of Czechia only cheaper.

Fucking Android 12 update on my phone. Look at this horrendous lock screen clock. What the fuck is this shit? Who reads clocks like this? Who wants this?? How are you going to make this the clock and give ZERO options to change it??


I have Android 12. My lock screen does not look like that.



I work with this developer who’s very monosyllabic. Getting any info out of him is like 20 questions. Nice guy but so frustrating sometimes.

Our whole team just spent 3 hours troubleshooting why the save form api call was failing in the new environment. First my boss thought it was CORS. Then we thought it was a payload size issue. I asked point blank - is there anything different about this one call? One dev couldn’t think of anything. Monosyllabic dev was quiet.

Finally an hour later, when my boss made a very specific assumption that was wrong, the mono-syllabic guy, who really should be owning this thing, pipes up. Oh yeah - that call goes out to the Box API (which hadn’t been set up in the new environment).

Thanks for letting me do all your troubleshooting for you buddy! Not the first time this has happened.

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First time reading this I thought you worked with two guys named Dev.

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Fuck daylight savings time.

That is all.


Companies insisting on making passcodes more and more complex.

I use an iphone for work. They insisted that we change the passcode every 3 months. Annoying but I had a system that worked.

Then they insisted that we have a 6 digit passcode. I created a new one, but have now forgotten it as I didn’t have a system for 6 digits and I haven’t used the iphone for months because I’m working from home.

I hope they are happy with whatever fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent more secure they think they are.

Apple. For bricking phones if you forget your passcode with no recovery.

This time it’s not so bad. Just a few photos.

However a while back I got locked out of my iPad by a crazy ex trying to guess the passcode. Several years of photos including a bunch of my mum who had just passed away. All gone.

Apple. You are the fucking worst and I will never trust anything important with you ever again.


I’m going to stick them both in a drawer and wait a decade or so for quantum computing to crack the encryption

Meanwhile T-mobile is like “Oh you want to switch your number to a new SIM? Cool, no need for ID, if you forgot your pin that’s fine. We’re sure a hacker couldn’t possibly know stuff like someone else’s social security number, even though it was right there in the gigantic hack we just fell victim to a few months ago. No need for us to maybe send an automated call and/or text out to the existing SIM just to see if someone’s still using it. We’ll let you block moving your number to a new SIM. But only if you try to switch carriers. Within T-mobile is fine. There’s a secret setting to block SIM-switching within T-mobile. But we only set that after a user has been compromised once (and all their accounts drained).”

All this happened to my buddy btw. Someone just walked into the T-mobile store pretending to be him, armed with info from the hack, and had his number switched to a new SIM. Apparently there’s no need to ask for ID or anything for something like that. Or maybe just call the damn number to be sure.

Then they reset his coinbase and bofa password and drained his accounts. Which is another fucking rant - how about a default security setting that says no account draining seconds after a password reset? That seems like common sense. 2FA is actually a huge hole now because it introduces a phone number as a single point of failure for password recovery (at least for banks and other sites that don’t let you not use your 2FA SMS as a recovery phone).

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That’s interesting. Is the pension payment based on your average working earnings and you earned less money last year? That could bring your average earnings down.

Also during the pandemic there have been some weird inflation impacts on pension plans. Some pension plans (private or government plans) link benefit calculations to things like increases in the average working wage in a country. During 2020 and 2021 the pandemic rearranged the economy so swiftly that the average wages behaved really weird. Basically, the formulas were not designed to deal with scenarios with huge swings in employment rates and consumer price indices.

Send them an invoice for the extra.

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What? I try not to judge others’ righteous indignation, but YATAH

Was it a slice of cake or a whole cake? I think slice of cake is okay.


Well, in her eyes you did despoil her daughter.



It reminds me I was at a dinner where no one was paying (check was going to be reimbursed by the company). >50% of people ordered dessert to go. I thought about it, but just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

Your situation is, of course, orders of magnitude worse.

If you’re going to do that, the pro move is to order the cake to eat at the restaurant. Take a couple of tiny nibbles and get a box to take it away. Obviously the success of this plan depends on how well you can transfer the plated cake. But at least you don’t look like a complete asshole.

Lost my phone a week ago and because I didnt change some setting in the app I’m effectively never going to be able to sign in to my LINE account, with the only possibility being if I return to Taiwan before someone else gets my old, now dormant, phone number.

Sucks because that was the only contact method for everyone I know over there.

Lesson learned about not backing up my phone I guess.

I was briefly locked out of my WeChat account so I’d use Skype to call my wife in China (Skype is banned there so I was using Skype to call her via her phone number).

That worked for four days before we’d both get silence on the other end whenever she’d pick up. Can’t allow conversations with a foreigner that can’t be monitored.

This is all online shopping stuff which I have extreme fatigue from these days.

(1) Retailers acting as marketplaces that allow scammers to flood the product listings with misleading and overpriced junk immediately ruins my day when I encounter it. Was recently searching for a certain mouthwash that I buy (it’s $3) and was returned 40 listings of the product with lowest price of $15. If it’s not sold & shipped by [the dotcom site] then I’m never buying it. Whoever decided that making people sort through dozens of fake listings to find the real product must have been having a real galaxy brain moment.

(2) Independent sites that still hide the shipping and other surprise fees until the final cart stage can diagf. Seriously, I never wanna hear about Scamazon putting the little guy out of business when most places are still doing this. Even worse if there is some kind of scam rewards program rubric to review in order to calculate the price you’ll actually pay.

(2.Corollary) I got through one of these carts recently thinking I had found a best price on an item. So I’m in the checkout and filling out the form to calculate shipping (email / phone / name / address) and finally get shown a bigly shipping fee. I did not press enter, back button, or anything of the sort and simply closed the page. Minutes later I get an email reminding me that “there are items in your cart” and to “checkout soon.” Mining every text field for live data to spam me (and undoubtedly sell to 3rd parties who will also spam me) should be life at Guantanamo.


Would the MIL ever order the cake to go if she was paying? If yes, it’s perfectly okay and you are the cheapstake for letting $ come between family. If no, then agree it’s mildly annoying but you are still a cheapstake for complaining here over like $6.