Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

Self ban please.

This guy?


Nope! This guy:

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Yeah, you absolutely do not want to listen to him talk.

If you’re using Outlook, click the Ignore button. It’s on the left side of the ribbon in the Delete section.

Chrome auto playing videos is driving me nuts. Thought I had it shut off but apparently they don’t have a setting for it now? Sitting in kitchen and PC starts autoplaying a video in browser that has been open for like 10 minutes. Whoever thinks autoplaying videos at max fucking volume is a good idea was an idiot.

That and iPhone spam group texts today are driving me to go buy alcohol.

That’s one of the best excuses to get pissed I’ve heard.

See you here in a couple of hours for some entertaining chat.


Not drinking until my next concert with friends in a few weeks. I have a few doctor’s appointments for regular checkups and an endoscopy the next week. Tempting though. Thank god for weed.

gl with the endo. I had a colonoscopy a couple of years ago and my advice is take all the opiates they offer you.

I’ve had a few. I had a nissen fundoplication to fix a hiatal hernia a few years ago and have Barret’s because of previous GERD. They just knock me out and do it each time.

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By far the worst medical experience I’ve had was before the nissen surgery. They stuck a metal cable up my nostril and down my throat and then I had to drink and swallow liquid so they could test my swallow strength to see how tight to cinch the hernia repair sutures or something. No drugs. I can’t imagine torture being much worse.

Sounds horrible.

Recent physiotherapy on a frozen shoulder had me yelping out in pain. Genuinely thought he was breaking my arm.

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They sure got so close to naming this this climate conference correct “COP26” when it should have been “COP24/7” All day everyday, every hour, every minute… Can you not shut the eff up ffs, as if we can’t see a 1,000 cop cars and security vehicles that you have to blast the sirens.

Does it stop at night you ask, NO IT effen doesn’t, well it did but that was the rain that drowned out the sounds.

#Can’tamansleep. :nauseated_face:

And don’t get me started on the road closures, absolute wankers. :man_shrugging:

Yesterday :point_up_2:

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The 26th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 26) to the UNFCCC was originally scheduled to take place from 9-19 November 2020, in Glasgow, UK. On 28 May 2020, the COP Bureau decided that it would take place from 1-12 November 2021, in Glasgow, UK. The meeting will now open on 31 October 2021.


Ffffffffffk its not even started yet, the best is yet to come… There is literally 2 lanes on the only motorway to the south side (Which is the biggest area in Glasgow I’d reckon for population and vehicles) and they close it… Going to the airport, fuck you too. :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:

Houses who have people who dress up and try and scare trick or treaters is fine, but don’t do it to anyone younger than, say, 8. Nearly had a Halloween ruined because some guy at a house in a scary outfit decided to jump scare and then chase our party of mostly 3 to 5 year olds

No trick or treating in Prague.

Seems that it’s coming around with kids now but adults aren’t buying into it.

Problem is that kids aren’t following up on the trick part that you use when the treat doesn’t come. They have to view trick-or-treat as a threat rather than a request.

The maids

  • pretty sure deliberately toggles every light in my house
  • takes our wet towels off the rack, folds them into 8ths, puts them on the rack so they can’t dry.
  • leaves every toilet seat up
  • and then leaves us toilet paper bows. Why? What am I supposed to do with this?
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It’s so hard to find good help these days.


Lol never move here :joy:.