Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

After having the above for 10+ years, I bought this last month for $30.

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Brag: my last two previous wallets have been wrecked by stuffing too many bills in them after winning poker sessions. I now use a long wallet big enough to hold a checkbook.

I used a chain wallet for several years in my 20s. Not because I liked the look or anything but because I kept losing wallets. The worst was on my way to a Phish show with all my cash and tickets.

Mine’s getting pretty ragged. I only have one backup from my Dad waiting. So I’ll probably get one this Christmas.

95% of the time I just go out with a credit card in my pocket. I walk a lot and don’t want to deal with the whole wallet. The only annoyance is places that only take cash. I try to remember to grab a $20 for those.

It seems like we can’t be too far away from your cel phone functioning for everything your wallet and keys do.

We’re close to there already, and most countries are way ahead of us. I never brought my wallet out in Australia, just my phone. Tapped to pay everywhere. It was so incredibly convenient. Some places in the US are getting there.

In LA, we’re getting to the people in front of you trying to tap their phone 50 times then finally giving up and pulling out their wallet.

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Yea mine only works on the terminals with contactless (basically, if you can tap your card you can tap your phone). I’m in a major metro area and it’s still probably only 50% here.

7-11 has contactless terminals, but apparently it has to be a Tuesday and the wind blowing the right way.

lol wallets, $.01 rubber band + loose cards.


The only place I’ve seen anyone pay for anything contactless is the bus/train. Wallets need places to stick coins, bills and cards. Period.

I haven’t carried cash for years lol. My change jar never gets any funds in it because of it.

My Garmin watch apparently has some kind of payment ability, but there’s no way that I’m going to try it because I don’t know how it works and I’m confident I’ll look like a moron.

This is motivated by the Dear Hank & John podcast, but it doesn’t feel like it belongs in the Podcast thread.

I was recently listening to an episode where someone wrote in with a question about Harry Potter. The question is basically, “Is the three-headed dog in Harry Potter one dog that should have one name or three dogs that should have three names? In the book, the dog has a single name (Fluffy), but shouldn’t we treat individual minds as individual entities?”

And the podcast hosts came out strongly in the “Yes, a three headed dog should be considered three dogs, and have three names.” For reasons that I can’t quite articulate, I’m still baffled by this take and fairly angry about it several days later.


Mom, is that you?

“Ma’am, your phone was declined.”

[Pulls out another phone from the bag to tap.]


It’s a you problem. Conjoined twins routinely have 2 names.


Someone accidentally sent a pay-related email to all staff this morning (2500ish people).

In the time it took me to set up an inbox rule directing all replies to that email to my trash folder, there were thirty replies. In the two minutes since I applied the rule, there were thirty more.

In summary: I hate people.


Can everyone please stop relying all to this inadvertent email? (x20 more just like it)


Now we know what happens when the dragon from Shrek mates with cerebus from Hades

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There is a guy on the CNBC morning show (I know) that tilts the shit out of me. I have it on mute every day just so I can see what futures are doing but I have to look at his smug resting bitch face. He is so fucking arrogant I know just from his stupid face he is a right wing asshole, don’t even know his name. That’s all.

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