Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

This bug can be easily avoided if you have 8000 unread emails like a normal person.


I want to know what those 115 people did to get deleted before even being read. Maybe those are all of @suzzer99’s emails from HR.


I guess if you just quickly hit backspace it deletes them without them registering as being read.

I absolutely hate stories about different states’ favorite XXXX based on that state’s abnormal google searches.


In the Halloween candy example (which triggered me today), it’s nonsense. Like, it is absolutely not the case that Pennsylvania’s favorite candy is Good & Plenty. And as much as I might make fun of Oklahoma, I am confident that Circus Peanuts are not their favorite candy, or even in their top 10.

So irrationally angry right now.

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Pretty sure these stories are procedurally generated by some AI.

It isn’t.

What they’re doing is picking the most popular search term unique to that state.

PornHub did something similar with categories on their website a while back. They weren’t the most popular. If that was the case, then most of the country would have lesbian as their top category. But instead there was a lot of interracial porn in the south.

Based on that, the query was either rising exclusively in that state or rising much higher in that state relative to others.

Surely the 0.188 constant must have units of kg/(sm^5/2)


My Dad gives me a wallet for Christmas about every 5 years. I don’t think I’ve ever bought a wallet in my life.

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I’ve had the same wallet for basically the last decade.


You should ask suzzer’s father to buy you a new wallet.


Get ready for one of the top 25% of men’s wallets at Macy’s.


I am at no joke 20 years at my current wallet, and I’m 35 years old. So my boyhood camp was at absolute no where in middle Tennessee. But one stop during the yearly agenda was always to the Mennonite leather store.

When camp director passed away a few years ago it was a pilgrimage to go back to the camp site. I did make it back to that site to get a new wallet…but still not using it


You have to squint a little, but that is a horse leatherwork there. But that is my 20 year wallet I still use

I purchased my current wallet off of a homeless person for $5. Ive been looking for a reason to upgrade but just feels wasteful to buy something new.

If I were buying for you, Zara, this would be my pick:

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Man yall got some fat wallets. Flat wallets >>> folded wallets (for guys, at least). This is mine

I just bought one of these off Amazon and I’m not sure I like it but it became more annoying to have a big wallet when everything can be done on your phone now.

This has been my wallet for the last 2 decades. Holds my cash, id, and my credit cards.

Best one I’ve owned that I remember.