Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

This doesn’t work; the person ahead already paid for you and is now gone.

It’s shitty fake “kindness” that creates a sense of obligation and I hate it. Like “do you want to round up for child hunger?” No, I don’t, I have no idea where that money is going and enjoy your tax deduction, Kroger. Fuck you.


That and paying extra to offset the energy use of your [insert activity here].

No, motherfucker! Don’t push your goddamn carbon tax on me! Don’t make me feel guilty for your actual guilt of fucking up the environment for profit!

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The late night Time Life oldie music CDs infomercial is kind of pleasant to come across.

Until they get to the part where they charge $150 ($46 savings!) and you realize they do that for a reason.

America is a bottom ten country change my mind.

So I am in the right lane and about to turn right at the next light. As soon as the light turns yellow the car in the the lane next to me suddenly goes into my lane and stops at the light. Fuck you. Fuck you.


People need to quit changing avatars!

I’m like “Who the fuck is this?” then it’s a regular with a new random avatar.



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The upside of having lost years off my life* driving in China is that when it comes to driving in the US, to quote Tony Montana: “There is nothing you can do to me that [the Communists] haven’t already done”

*In Sklansky Years I’m pretty sure I died at most minutes after a fun encounter around 7 am on a Tuesday morning in October 2016.

**I know that’s not how Sklansky bucks work.

If you’re good enough to play the violin or the cello outside in a major city to entertain passersby, presumably for money, why the fuck would you play the melodies of pop love songs that everyone has heard everywhere the past three years?

Is that really what all these piggies want to hear?

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Yeah, pretty much. The key is thinking about what “pop” is short for.

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An open letter to Tulsa Transit patrons:

Hello, my friends! Now go fuck yourselves.
About masks: Yes, they’re mandatory. And there is a sign that says it will be that way until further guidance from the Federal Transit Administration, whatever the hell that is. So don’t bother making a scene and cursing at the driver or Tulsa Transit. If you have a problem you should call Secretary Pete Buttigieg. He seems like a nice guy and I’m sure he’ll take your call. He can be reached at 1-800-FUC-KOFF.
So…while you’re waiting for your bus…you could…if you were a decent person… get your mask on and have your fare or fare card ready. That’s what I do, because I’M A REALLY NICE FUCKING GUY!!! That way, the next guy in line, me, doesn’t have to wait on you. But instead, you board the bus in front of me unmasked. Then the driver says “You have to wear a mask” and you say “Got a mask right here in my purse!” and start looking through your purse which is the size of a FREAKIN’ VOLKSWAGEN, and, at long last find your damned mask. Then the driver says “Well, you still have to pay your fare” and you say “Got my fare right in my purse” and start looking through your purse which is the size of a FREAKIN’ AIRSTREAM TRAILER, and then you pay your fare in all nickels. Shit on you. And shit on your nickels too.
I have more to say, but I shouldn’t.
Other than that, I’m fine.


Youre obviously buying the environment destroying product… what would you prefer they do instead?

Pay the tax and use technology to be more environmentally friendly

1st world rant incoming.

I got invited to play golf at a club out on Long Island with someone who lives near me so we’re going to carpool since it’s like a 2.5 hour drive without traffic. Tee time is for 10am. He wants to leave at 7:15am together because “I’m not a morning person”.

I suggest we need to go sooner in case there’s traffic thru the city which of course there will be (not to mention showing up only 15 mins early as a guest to a place you’ve never been is really rude anyway). Still won’t budge “because I’m really really not a morning person”. Mother fucker, you’re a damn adult. Get your ass out of bed and into the car. Being late to anything is one of my pet peeves. Being late to a place you’ve been invited to as a guest where the SOP is to be a minimum 30 minutes early anyways is unconscionable to me.

And then he had the gall to be upset with me when I told him I’d just drive on my own. So he asked the person who invited us to push the tee time back later, which they graciously did. But got damn the selfishness of people is mind boggling.


Can’t he sleep in the car on the way there and be the driver on the way back?

This is REALLY bad. Jesus. I’d be done with this person.

I could still be friends with someone like this, so long as he can handle me needling him forever about what a weenie he is.

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I’d dump @00cooler00 for expecting me to do anything fun at 7:30. Or for expecting me to play golf.


Why the fuck can Jack in the Box not keep breakfast in stock? I just want to get a quick 1300 calories of breakfast burritos for six bucks when I wake up at 7pm and head to the cardroom and they are constantly out lately.

I’m a degen.

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There are places around here closing early and closing on Sunday due to staff shortages. When they are open they are often out of items.

This was posted in the Covid goofs thread.

I know it’s just a random tweet and maybe the spelling mistake is on purpose but I get annoyed at the spelling mistakes and grammar errors in major headline articles. I feel like I should have been an editor. I used to see similar in news papers that I would read on the train to work before the pandemic. Even in novels sometimes.

Doesn’t anybody proofread anything!!!???

eta: I think I’m just a fool who reads every word.