Non-Political Ranting: Unleash Your Anger ITT

I hope that doesn’t become a thing in other places or even worse outside America.

Imagine paying for some guy $100 meal at an upscale restaurant.

This happened to me once at a Dunkin drive through and it confused me immensely. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do.

You guys are way overthinking this. It’s a small kindness someone is putting out there. It doesn’t require instant reciprocity. Just smile and know that not everyone is an asshole.

But it’s not. It puts the onus on you to pay for the person behind you and that person may be ordering way more than a simple coffee.

If Pay It Forward was never created, this probably doesn’t exist.

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I went to a coffee shop near Charlotte NC that had a whole board of “pay it forwards” broken down by police / fire fighters / army / navy / etc. I guess members of those groups get to just show up and get free coffee? Sounds like socialism to me.

Seeing the number of police pay-it-forwards on the board told me all I needed to know about the area.

Yeah, fuck that. The whole pay it forward bullshit is supposed to be voluntary, not mandatory for “special” people.

Why does it put this onus on you? As I said, you don’t have to reciprocate.

Because you’ll be seen as an asshole for not doing it when everybody else does.

It’s like Kramer choosing not to wear the ribbon at the AIDS walk.

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It’s a drive though. Who even knows?

Anyway, this seems like a perfectly innocuous small kindness being put into the world. I don’t want to fight about it.

We will agree to disagree. It’s happened to me twice and made my morning both times.

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Like if I were an NFL player, no way am I wearing pink shoes for their bullshit breast cancer awareness PR campaign, and when asked why I would point to their horrendous record on domestic violence but I’m sure I’d be the asshole just like 100 other actual situations that occur in my life.

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Didn’t know this. Figured everybody was in line.


Even if it isn’t a drive through I’m still not seeing the problem, just don’t participate if you don’t want to who cares if some random coffee shop folk think you’re a dick

Lots of people do not tolerate awkward situations well. Social pressure is real.


It happens to me once every few months when I’m hitting Starbucks regularly. I’ve bought for the person behind me, not bought when it was several people in the vehicle, and been in a hurry and tried to catch the person in front of me to thank them without buying for people behind me.

I wish seagull chicks would just stfu. When your parents get back they’ll feed you ffs - you should know that by now.


Holy mother of fucking God you are not wrong. The racket never stops. All day, all night. Bastards


You’re both putting me off a move to the South coast.

We only have those evil magpie squawks to tolerate every single afternoon when they shriek to each other from different trees.

Antisocial ■■■■■■

FedEx ground can eat a bucket of dicks. Every package gets stuck for 4 or 5 days in the same location doing nothing. My new bike was originally scheduled for delivery last Saturday. Then got updated to “Pending Delivery” while it sat in Oregon with no updates for 5 days. Now supposedly it’s scheduled for delivery today, but it’s not actually on a delivery truck. But at least they updated its location and it’s at least at the FedEx warehouse 35 miles from my house. Maybe they’ll make a special run just for me and make their 9p delivery window today (I doubt it).

Update: Fed fucking Ex just updated my delivery date to tomorrow. Sure.


Yeah, and if you really hate it, just ask the Starbucks guy to let you buy your own and let the charity pass on to the folks behind you.