Non-Pol Hot Takes

It’s up to you really. I probably sounded harsher than I intended. Obviously kids are great, unfortunately some parents aren’t so great, which is obviously different from the planet post.

A Taco Bell opened here last year and I haven’t had a chance to go there yet, we do have some Mexican places but I’ve never seen Taco’s being sold.

Historically the UK was way better than America at producing good sitcoms.

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Good hot take. They had many less, but no question the ones the cut through are better than most American sitcoms. Some American sitcoms were based on British sitcoms. The Thick of It is one of my all time favorite sitcoms, though it’s not really a sitcom.

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I was probably being too narrow with the word sitcoms.

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Pizza for breakfast is the best… :v:


The Godfather

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I cosign MonsterJMcGee’s takes in general whilst not agreeing with the specific numbers.

This… Is the most overrated movie of all time.

Breaking Bad is the most overrated TV show of all time

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You either want kids or you don’t. There’s no middle ground. If you’re not sure, it means you shouldn’t have them.

Not everybody is suited for parenthood.


You’re dead to me


Bowling should be an Olympic sport

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Vietnamese coffee is the best coffee in the world

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Breaking Bad defenders are the deplorables of tv viewers

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2020 might be your year…

We’ve been snubbed again

The Olympics are boring af.


Rock music died in the late 70s and became zombified, feeding off its own corpse.

It is your god-given right as an American to sneak candy into movie theaters no matter what anyone tells you.