Non-Pol Hot Takes

If you’re arguing against a hot take in the hot take thread you should use your time for volunteering instead.

I ran out of gas while driving on the highway with my girlfriend, on the way to her mother’s house for dinner, pre-cell phone era. We were significantly late and much anger was directed my way.

broken gas gauge ldo

Now do that with kids, a mortgage, and a landscaping job.

When you have time to do all that and aren’t juggling/balancing several different tasks and responsibilities at the same time, yes.

Since moving to New Jersey, I really enjoy having someone pump gas for me. It’s joined my list of life’s little pleasures.

Are you fucking kidding me? The world was better in the past. @zikzak

I recently had a 30 year old tell me the 80’s were better than the present. We live in profoundly weird times.

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well, all times are better than the present times.

Movies shouldn’t have soundtracks. Can you imagine if you were reading a book and it started playing music as the tension was building at the end of a chapter?? lol

She’s not wrong, though.

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Man, I used to live in the Washington DC area and I walked to the Metro station to work every day and had my ipod on and it was so much less stressful than what I do now. My current commute is a very easy drive (sometimes there’s snow, but I can handle that), but it’s 100x more stressful than getting about on the Metro. Really wish I could just jam out to Johnny Cash on my way to work instead of driving around.

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But maybe an audiobook would be different.

For most of the last 11 years of my life, I’ve lived walking distance from where I worked.

I had a bit over a year where I had to commute by train for a bit over a half an hour but otherwise that was it. It’s totally worth it.

That said, America is really a place and culture where cars reign supreme. You and I live in a place where taking public transportation isn’t stigmatized. Hell, we live in places where it actually exists.

Soundtracks are just another story telling tool. Saying movies shouldn’t have a soundtrack is like saying newspapers shouldn’t have pictures or magazines shouldn’t have different sized fonts. Good storytellers can do amazing things with their tools, average storytellers can’t.

Hiphop is lame and repetitive and everyone should just listen to metal.

All metal is self parody.

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I was keeping this in my back pocket for a Jalfrezi hosted Walrus but who knows when the next one will be.


Man, you were halfway there…

…living on a prayer?


People who post 1 person polls that I actually want to vote on should be permaed.

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