Non-Pol Hot Takes

Sweat-wicking fabric is not all that.

GOAT Jokers:

  1. Heath Ledger
  2. Mark Hamill
  3. Jack Nicholson
  4. Cesar Romero
  5. Joaquin Phoenix
  6. Zach Galifianakis
  7. Jared Leto

DC Jumbo Slices are like porn stars with erectile dysfunction: large but mostly useless

I had to look those up. For some reason I had images of giant tinned peach slices.

If you run out of gas on the highway, you are extremely stupid and/or lazy. On modern cars there’s like zero excuse for it, when they give pretty accurately to the exact mile how much fuel you have left. On older cars, it’s still pretty stupid.

The last time I ran out of gas I owned a 1992 honda Accord that’s fuel gauge was broken, I was also broke and praying that I would make it to work. As always prayer was hugely overrated.

I’m sure there’s edge cases like broken gauges and stuff. I had a situation where I was up in the mountains and the nearest gas station was 25 miles away - and I had about 30 miles of gas left in my tank. It was a little bit of a butt clencher going back down but I was still fine.

it’s also bad for your car to be that low on gas. don’t and never will understand people that push it to the limit. Filling 20 bucks of gas in your car takes like less than 5 mins.

Most people who run out of gas are deciding whether the $3 they have in their wallet goes to gas or they get to eat lunch that day.

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why compound your situation by running out of gas then and risk being towed or worse? take the bus. I did for years when i was poor. it’s just stupidity.

The bus doesn’t work for a lot of people (say gardeners) and when you’re habitually on the edge you’re like a million times more likely to make that error than people who can always fill up without a second thought.

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Ah…there we go. The real hot take: poor people are stupid.

yea because that’s what I’m really saying. Poor people are stupid. Yep.

Millions and millions of poor people manage to not run out of gas every day.

That’s a lot of editing for two posts. Maybe you should think a little harder about this hot take.

True, but most people who run out of gas are poor. It’s because it’s easy to be dumb or make a mistake once in a while if you are constantly put in the position where you can’t avoid getting close to the edge.

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lol i lived in the wealthiest part of california making $7.50/hr. Do you really think I don’t know what it’s like to be poor?

There happen to be stupid people that are also poor. This isn’t some damnation on poor people. This forum makes me really sad sometimes.

the thing that sparked this was some rich daddy’s girl in a bmw 5 series that was lamenting her luck on social media.

I would be willing to wager that well off people run out of gas more than poor people. Because the consequences are so much worse if you are poor.

Along with a lot of people, I know that you live in a rich area and have had times with little money. You should be able to understand that if you put a group of people with average intelligence in a position where they must drive to earn a living but it’s often difficult for them to put more than a few bucks of gas in at a time you will expect some people running out of gas for all kinds of reasons. It’s not like many people are running out of gas every day or once a week. If people in that position run out just a couple times in their whole life you’re going to see it happen to someone pretty often in a place with millions of people on the freeways.

I’d take that bet in a heart beat.

You also didn’t have a family to support, kids to feed and clothe and to get to school on time etc etc, all of which add a ton of pressure to peoples lives especially if they’re on the bread line, which results in less than optimal decisions, naturally.

Come on, show some empathy ffs.

no I just had a severe untreated mental illness. again, I know what it’s like. I also know how easy it is to see how much fuel is left in your tank, do a rough mental calculation to see how far your drive is, and then make a decision accordingly.