Non-Pol Hot Takes

My wife’s family drives me up the wall at Christmas. My MIL isn’t really able to shop at Christmas anymore, so she gives everyone cash. For context, she’s on a smallish pension and an ever-dwindling IRA equivalent, while my wife and I are…not exactly hurting for money. I feel incredibly guilty taking it. We give her niece and nephew (both students) cash, while we usually end up exchanging gift cards with her brother and sister-in-law. Mostly just shuffling money around in a circle. I keep hoping we can just go up and have a nice family day without gifts, but my wife (understandably) doesn’t want to deal with the hassle of trying to convince everyone else.

I think I’m close to getting there everywhere else. My wife and I don’t exchange gifts, and my mom has been less and less into the whole gift-buying thing every year since my dad died.

It’s only funny cause I knew a couple of guys growing up that fit the description perfectly. So the idea that there are tons of guys out there that fit this incredibly specific and incredibly awful description is hilarious. A lot of the funnier stuff felix says is him describing these random guys and if you don’t know any, then it probably just sounds like gibberish.


Looks like my take wasn’t hot enough, I expected more pushback. Now I feel bad for slamming something you like. Maybe I’m not cut out for this thread.

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Chapo? I tried it once and didn’t hate it or anything, but was not entertained.

No Christmas song is the best. It is all equally terrible and shares a space atop a garbage heap that is reserved for the worst music of all time.

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Make a poker chip mosaic art piece and give it to her next year. Make sure it’s at least 3’x3’ and make sure she hangs it in her house…

Definitely ain’t for everybody. Old people and people who were popular in high school won’t get many of the analgoies and references.

Their takedown of GOPete vis-a-vis some article on The Atlantic in their last free episode was quality though.

After having to listen to Happy Xmas War Is Over, I can say we’re not missing anything because John Lennon died early.

Christmas music is shit.

Fairytale of New York is really the only Christmas song I enjoy.

The national anthem of America is a shit song and should be replaced with God Bless America or America the Beautiful. Also, Russia’s national anthem is the best national anthem in the world.

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There’s a lot of bad xmas music, but there’s a lot of good xmas music. Hell, just the Nutcracker is awesome. Handel’s Messiah is really for Easter, but it’s out a lot xmas time.

I have a Christmas song I wrote. It’s pretty good as well.


A Christmas Gift For You From Phil Spector [VINYL]

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Les Marseilles though

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Russia’s anthem is so good that it fills me with pride for a country I’m not from and have never been to.

France’s is quite good too.

But here’s a good description on why it sucks but also why it’s not going anywhere

I’ma let you finish but the correct best national anthem take is Montenegro.

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The song is good, but the performer is not. If I can come up with a recording that I don’t despise maybe I’ll post it.

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I have a soft sport for the Italian anthem which captures some of the buoyancy.

Hannukah parties >>>>> Christmas parties.

My friend scores a ton of movies, including Christmas ones, for the Hallmark channel. If your song is fitting for something like that let me know and I’ll get you hooked up with him.

He’s in Lake Balboa, so likely not horribly far from you.

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It’s a silly song that I like, but has no commercial value. If it were in a movie, it wouldn’t be in the score, it’d be like the song Adam Sandler’s character wrote. And I don’t have great social skillz. Either I’ll do it or a microdaughter. We have guests this weekend with 3 young kids. It’s pretty wild around here, so probably not until they leave.

Gotcha. Score might have been the wrong term. Music composer is likely more fitting. He puts some of his own songs in some of the movies. And his kids songs too.

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