Non-Pol Hot Takes

In any setting, “just another day in paradise” and/or “living the dream” right behind plz.

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I’d be right there to say, “a little too quiet” as a save.

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Similarly in my occupation saying something like ‘things seem to be going smoothly’. Shut the entire fuck up.

In general, people who feel the need to announce their presence to the room need to be treated in a manner which I think would break the rules of this site.

Giving birthday or Christmas presents to anyone over 18 is stupid and wasteful.

An exception is when you go on a trip or otherwise stumble across something nice that you know a specific person would like. Then you give it to them even when there’s no occasion.

That’s what giving presents should be imo. Being forced to buy some random crap for an occasion is just mindless consumerism. Half the time the person receiving the gift literally doesn’t want it and now has a dilemma about what to do with it.


I bought my own Christmas presents from my mother in law last night. On the one hand that’s idiotic, on the other I got two books I’m looking forward to reading.


Not a hot take at all. I tell everyone I know every single year that I literally do not want them to buy me anything, and yet they never listen and I always end up with a random assortment of stuff I don’t need.

Mostly agree, although I make an exception for gift cards for students at college. Take your roommates out for a pizza +/- beer fest on us instead of eating at the dorms.

Otherwise, yeah - my sister-in-law gave us some of the most useless stuff imaginable for a few years until we REALLY pushed to stop with gift exchanges. She’s a nice person, but a lousy gift buyer.


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Yeah for sure broke college kids can always use gifts.

My mom got me a customized poker chip set with my name on it for Christmas this year. I’ve hosted exactly one poker game my entire adult life. Can’t even give it away. So on the shelf it will sit. And then into storage it will go when I resume traveling around the world.

You got me to think about this. Okay, good points. So maybe we are in an age where it’s best to give digital goods/services/currency?

If it’s a bunch of people who all know each other, I am also in favor of everyone crowd-sourcing different gifts for each other that no single individual would expend.

Like if everyone were going to spend the equivalent amount of money on poker chip sets. Seven people can now pool that money to get that one person an AMC Stubs subscription (click here for my affiliate link).

Of course we would not want to penalize people who have less means while letting people who make a lot more money off the hook for a bigger portion of the cost. That’s okay, we can ask that one millionaire friend everyone has to pay a bigger portion and then cross our fingers that they don’t bring in a lawyer.

Felix isn’t as funny as he thinks he is on Chapo Trap House.

He isn’t unfunny but not particularly funny either. He tries too hard. Sometimes less is more.

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OMG I thought I was the only one who hated this! It’s almost like he’s trying to fuck it up.

It’s astonishingly bad. And for Springsteen?! There’s no excuse.

I think he’s generally expected to be The Funny One and the pressure shows sometimes. It’s worth it, imo. Every now and then there’s a Hot Couch or a Michael Flynn Can Hit The Back Walls to make the more strained ones worth it.

Very much this. People get me things anyway. This means I have to get them something in return. Kind of annoys me since I haven’t seen some of them in years.

I get way more joy watching my younger cousins (who really aren’t young any more) open up presents than anything else.

Just throw it out. Seriously. She will never know.

That’s harsh.

Since this is so highly regarded on this forum, I’ve tried to listen to this episode a couple times and thought it was garbage both times. When does it start to get funny? I only lasted a few minutes.

I guess it’s not for everyone.

A lot of their funny material kind of writes itself. The Villages, The Iraqi Dinar Scam, Conservative Political Cartoons, their CPAC Report is gold to me.

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