Non-Pol Hot Takes

People who make up or bend words to suit their needs are clear psychopaths.

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As of our most recent update, single option polls are now possible, with no backsies.

  • This is the greatest thing ever

0 voters

Yeah this forum needs a dislike option.

A Tribe Called Quest doesn’t get the respect they deserve, mainly because they didn’t name their band Quest.

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[quote=“superuberbob, post:1098, topic:133, full:true”]A Tribe Called Quest doesn’t get the respect they deserve, mainly because they didn’t name their band Quest.

Who the hell doesn’t respect the Tribe? I will punch those assholes in the mouth. Some of the greatest, most organic hip-hop of all time. Absolutely goofy, silly rhymes, but you can’t not love that sound and the energy they bring. There’s a hole in your soul if you don’t love these tracks:

As someone who is an enormous fan of The Beatles, I feel like The Tribe has so much of that same energy. Just four lads being silly and having fun and creating incredible music in the process. They weren’t elite rappers by any measure, they certainly weren’t the hardest rappers or the best lyricists, but by god their music was incredible and fun and organic and I could just chill out to Phife Dawg all day long. You know it’s silly, but by god there’s something wrong with you if you don’t love these songs:

Who remembers this track? Phife tosses it to Pras who throws it to Busta who throws it to Lauren Hill, 90’s rap was so subversive and so wild. Just incredible artists all coming together.

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“Whose Line is It Anyways” was legitimately funny and really should have been an American institution like Jeopardy. Americans need more Mexican style telenovelas.

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Went to a live show of ‘Whose Line Is It Anyway?’ at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Was very funny.

I believe it still runs on The CW, hosted by Aisha Tyler instead of Drew Carey but otherwise featuring the same lineup.

If you’re an average to below average scrub like me, Winston is the best character in the game, followed by Brigette, and of course Moira. But Winston >> other tanks in gold or below.

Still pales in comparison to the superior British version.

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you still play? I’ve been wondering about that game recently. How is it?

I was a tank main, mostly reinhardt but I liked winston on a lot of maps. Is rein still good?

Almost every day, no idea why. Still like it, only gotten better. Rein back to best tank probably since orisa got the nerfbat recently, probably too much too.

Sounds like i’m gonna hop back in then, hate orisa

Employees should not be allowed to store food in company refrigerators. Keep it at your desk.

I will be storing leftover salmon in my desk drawer and forget about it when I leave for vacation for 3 weeks.



You should speed up for dangerous intersections so you spend less time in them and decrease your chances of a collision.


I do this for every intersection with a red light camera in my city. Safety my ass…

John Malkovich is not a good actor.


Academic dishonesty of any kind, whether intentional or not, should be punished by immediate expulsion.

Schools do not support their teachers in stopping it from happening. They benefit too much by passing students no matter how they got the grades. They give students second and even third chances to pass classes that they don’t deserve to.

Part of me wants to just accept it and not give a fuck since I’m not going to get any administrative support if I report it. The other part think that I should get angry and tell these students to go fuck themselves for disrespecting me.

Idk, taking someone else’s content and rewording/repurposing it for yourself is an essential life skill. It’s probably 80% of white collar jobs. Expulsion for being bad at plagiarism seems a little rough.