Non-Pol Hot Takes

Yeah but that’s outside of the TED talk itself. I mean there’s no doubt that many of the speakers are remarkable people. But TED didn’t make them that way. I’d argue that TED actually diminishes their message by adding barriers that force them to skip over information that may be critical to understanding it.

That is a very interesting question. In my view, TED is an opportunity platform that carries all sorts of intangible benefits, but even if you were to concede that, it’s still a good question whether the benefits outweigh the costs.

You bring up how the barriers force them to skip over information, but I think that’s a feature of the format, not a glitch. Tailoring a message for mass consumption is awful if your goal is to educate, but there are other objectives like simple topical awareness that would easily find barriers if you DIDN’T skip over information that may be critical to understand it.

Your thoughts?

White Claw is manly and good.

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The RNC prolly ordered them


I still feel like we’re a dog to ever see the cyber truck on the road - at least in anything like that form.

The tunnel-thing was a complete fraud.

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I saw that too!!! WTF. Two more links to add to the chain from my LC thread post.

Musk is a turd and massive scammer, lol at him and Telsa fanbois


Actually Spanish Paella is the worst food ever, its like if you’re Scottish granny made creamed rice and flung in some of the worst vegetables trying to make a meal out of leftovers.

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Pitch Perfect 3 is excellent.

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It is but still not as good as the Original acappella Pitch Perfect 1.


Well of course not. What a ridiculously unachievable benchmark.


The irony of Scottish people talking about quality cuisine is way more delicious than their traditional meal of sheep entrails to go with a bottle of Buckfast to forget where they live.

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Leave my buccie outa this, ya wino. :joy::joy::joy:

Edit Buckfast=Whiteclaw :scream:

CCR I Heard it Through the Grapevine is way better than Marvin Gaye


She’s allowed to be wrong sometimes, including her terrible taste in earrings.

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Live in France, would be delighted if they did more brown sauce. Don’t really see Daddies or HP here.


Funny how the only people I’ve ever heard complain about French food are from the UK.

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