Non-Pol Hot Takes

I always word-associate him with Bound.

I didn’t realize that was a Wachowski movie, that gives it a different twist in hindsight.

Holy shit! I always forget about Bound. Good call. I’ve never seen it. It just does not seem at all like my kind of movie. True Romance is my least favorite of Tarantino movies, etc. I tend to mistakenly remember Assassins as the Wachowskis’ first movie, even though that was directed by Dick Donner.

I’m twenty minutes away from finishing Dolemite with the most charismatic actor of that generation: Eddie Murphy.

He wasted his talents on family friendly projects. Listening to the Beverly Hills Cop episode of the Rewatchables podcast spoke to that. He’s fantastic in this Netflix movie.


I will usually associate an actor with the first thing I notice them in.

Denzel Washington? Well that’s obviously Richochet, for an example that came to mind.

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Fishburne is Deep Cover fwiw.

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Coming to America 2 incoming.

I agree about his long stream of projects. Even back in the days of BHC3, they didn’t really have a script, let alone a good script, but John Landis thought who cares? Eddie Murphy can’t help but be funny. Except then when it came time to shoot, Landis kept encouraging Murphy to be antic-driven and dynamic, you know, like the Axel of BHC1, and Murphy insisted it was time for Axel to be a serious cop.

I have a soft spot in my heart for Doctor Dolittle remakes one and two, but that was the last time for a while that I enjoyed his stuff besides the brief gossip piece about him and Spice Girl Mel B.

What do you think of Arsenio Hall? He was HYOOGE in his day, but I don’t know how people think of him anymore.

Only saw that a couple of years ago. Fantastically terrible movie, way underrated in the so-bad-it’s-good stakes. For me it’s King of New York (imdb tells me it’s technically either Freddie 3 or Red Heat, but I’ve no memory of either role).

He’s like Jimmy Kimmel.

Nice guy, not funny.

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I suspect they don’t, but his delivery of “You sweat from a baboon’s balls!” from Coming To America will stay with me forever, as will Murphy’s wordless reaction to “The Royal Penis is clean, Your Highness.”

Danny McBride has never made me laugh, nor Seth Rogen, nor any of the current late night guys (I miss Dave).

I don’t laugh at much tho.

He’s always had a problem with picking good parts. I don’t think it has much to do with the color of his skin.

I don’t mean directly, in the sense of personal racial bias on the part of whoever. Just the relatively limited options open to black actors.

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Trump crowned Arsenio winner of Celebrity Apprentice 2012 btw. Clay was robbed.

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Also, pertaining to the discussion, on the podcast they have a segment for each movie they cover for the That Guy award. Basically the guy (or gal) where people would know their face and some roles - but not the name.

It’s called the Joey Pants award.

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For me, the That Guy nonpareil is Dan Hedaya, who you can often identify to people as “You know the guy they hire when they can’t afford or entice De Niro”.

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The Addams Family.

Mine are all the different guys who play generals.

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Alien: Resurrection for me.

I don’t know what movie this is from, and I can’t find a different movie with guy to get his name. But this is the guy who comes to mind (center):

Also the nerdy guy from Sneakers they try to con with Mary McDonnell.

I could probably identify him if you can get a head on shot of him.