Non-Pol Hot Takes

Digging food out of the sink is gross. Garbage disposals are good.

Run an orange peel (lemon, grapefruit or w/e) through the disposal to clean it out.


First world lifestyle problems

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Based on the degree of his success, I have to acknowledge that he is objectively very funny, but Danny McBride has never once so much as made me crack a smile. Every beat of every character I’ve ever seen him play has seemed both entirely predictable and utterly played-out. Watching him feels somehow like being told a joke poorly by someone who’s forgotten that you’re the one who told it to them.

Danny McBride is objectively talented, but that does not make him funny.

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Have you seen Eastbound and Down, Gemstones, and Vice Principals? I love all the characters he plays in those shows, and if you’ve seen them I won’t try to convince you they’re great, because you can’t have arguments about taste and especially humor. There’s an absurdity and a deep repulsiveness to each of those characters but McBride still manages to somehow infuse them with humanity and make them, in their own way, sympathetic. You see yourself identifying with the character’s anger and disappointment, even though they’re all vile people. Idk, I love them all.


I tried watching Eastbound and Down, didn’t like it. Watched the first ep of Vice Principals on the strength of Walton Goggins’ involvement, turned it off half-way through. Saw him in a couple of middling movies, too.

It’s just that I’ve entirely had my fill of ‘immature manchild who likes to think he has a heart of gold but doesn’t, or maybe?’ characters and as far as I can make out, that’s basically all he can do.

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You’re not American, right? I think that there’s a sort of fundamental American-ness to his characters that a foreigner might not appreciate.

the chapo guys compared it to a sort of american protestantism. as in, yea, you might do bad things and hurt people, but as long as you feel bad about it and apologize afterwards, you’re totally fine

Let’s just say it makes total sense that Keeed loves McBride’s characters and probably thinks he’s amazingly funny.

I’m definitely a fan of all his HBO shows. They’re great.


Listening to that episode is what made me crystallise my thoughts on him.

Maybe so.

Is it a hot take that Joe Pantoliano is a great actor? He’s been in some terrific movies and has often been one of the best parts.

I remember when his short-lived show The Handler came out 03. It looked awful and didn’t live long. I still feel a whiff of “What if…” Not that he’s suffered much. After 99’s The Matrix, he went on to be one of the best parts of great movies like Memento and…okay, maybe his career has stalled a little.

He’s a natural actor that has a ton of presence on screen (back in the 80s/early 90s). I don’t think he’d ever win an Oscar, but I can’t think of a single time he didn’t bring something special to any movie he was in. It’s hard to play big in movies without seeming like a ham, and he was expert at that. I can’t even remember the last thing I saw him in.

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He’s a great actor. He was a standout on the sopranos, full of great actors.

Yeah, same. His performances are that good. He melds into the story and becomes an organic piece. It was a long time before I recognized that the guy from The Matrix was the same guy from Memento who was the same guy from The Fugitive. A lot like Gary Oldman and Daniel Day Lewis in that way, except those two rose to insane fame, while Joe never truly got his day imo.

Talking of actors who were in The Matrix and don’t get enough acclaim: I think Lawrence Fishburne is probably the most charismatic actor of his generation and would have won at least one Oscar if he were white (or if race weren’t still an issue). I could watch that dude read the phone book. He played Ike Turner in some biopic of Tina and nearly had me rooting for him, FFS.


The commercial is actually GOAT lol

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brb, buying a 2014 Kia Matrix.