Non-Pol Hot Takes

Hipsters need to push for artisanal mayonnaise. Then, it will all come around and Miracle Whip will be the mayo analogue of PBR.

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EB and I are in lockstep here.

It depends.

People often to say “can’t unsee” when they see something horrifying, but cases of “can’t unsmell” are a lot worse

As a father of a 13 month old I can confirm this.

During training, the paramedics used to bring bodies to the ER for pronouncement - the ONLY thing that could be pronounced in the field was decapitation. In the spring, Lake Michigan turns over and anyone who drowned in the fall and winter and sunk to the bottom bobbed to the surface - it was always a bad sign when you had 3 cops smoking cheap cigars standing outside the rig and you had to go out and declare the patient dead. I can still smell it.



Yeah, cheap cigars smell pretty nasty.

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Mandy is an elite movie, still haven’t watched his other one

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Not sure how hot this is but Beethoven is overrated. Mozart is clearly better.


Actually nm. He’s rubbish on both.

Pretty hot.

^^ this is a garbage take because Bach is one of my faves and Brandenburg #6 is elite, but Brahms’s 2nd symphony blows the doors off Beethoven’s 5th.

Heh, I rewatched Beyond The Black Mirror for like the 4th time yesterday. It’s a different vibe from Mandy, much slower and less violent and way more of a psychedelic sci-fi vibe. Still an incredible experience and there is nothing anything like it out there besides Kubrik.

I know I fanboy over this director here way too much, but I really think he’s elite. Crank up the sound, btw: the soundtrack and sound design for his movies are also top-notch. Sadly, the composer has passed away, so idk if we ever get anything quite like this again.

Avatar is an abysmal picture that will be buried deep in the sediment of film history.


I agree - watched it and some of the visuals were interesting, but there was no there there. Never been in the slightest interested in a re-watch.


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In what way is this a hot take?

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Well, until Endgame it was the highest grossing movie in history - so a lot of people saw something in it that I didn’t. Or something.


Bach and Brahams were cool, but it’s not like they were going to write Beethoven’s 9th.

Yeah hype, box office, 82% on Tomatoes, etc. I’m saying it ticks no boxes at all including visuals. It suffers from what I call the Playstation effect which is the ability to suspend disbelief for incremental technological improvement.

Playstation 1: “Wow, bro, this shit looks real.”
Playstation 2: “Wow, bro, this shit looks real.”
Playstation 3: “Wow, bro, this shit looks real.”
Playstation 4: “Wow, bro, this shit looks real.”

Each time a new one launches, you realize how not real the old one looked. And by real, I don’t mean it has to achieve the photorealism of our natural universe in the strict sense. Rather, it can’t go into some weird uncanny valley territory that looks 100% fake as fuck. But that’s what Avatar is–a fake as fuck uncanny valley cartoon that falls in the creepy part of the curve.


Bach had better things to do.