Non-Pol Hot Takes

I once drank about a 3rd of a bottle of olive oil to win $30. True story.


A few years ago the NT Times did a blind taste test of vodka. Smirnoff won.

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Grady’s coffee sponsors the Josh Marshall podcast, and it’s pretty sold. It’s a small-medium sized business (like $30M in sales/yr now). It’s $10-12 for a can, which has 4 bean bags, each of which makes a pitcher.

I don’t mind Smirnoff. I buy Tito’s normally though and wouldn’t go less than Smirnoff. Gin can suck it.

I vary between french press, aeropress, and a Hario pour over. I’m too much of a newb to know what flavors I’m trying to extract tbh lol. I know I fucking hate Folger’s, Maxwell House, etc.

This did not surprise me when I read that report. Smirnoff has a very crisp, clean taste, which is exactly what you want in a vodka.

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Smirnoff is so so easy to drink that it’s dangerous. :joy: Now that’s a drink I need to stay away from whereas Whiskys make me all warm and happy inside. :sweat_smile:

I always try to accentuate the acidity but it seems mostly like a black art, especially with the Chemex or V60 which is what I pour daily. Sometimes it comes out amazing and other times it’s just alright. Like recently I discovered letting the bloom drift out to 2 minutes added a lot of flavors I was missing, but you won’t find anyone recommending that.

I buy Gordon’s for my cheap vodka and gin mixing pleasure at home.

How is that thread not always at the top? People acting like they don’t have a bag full of pol pots.

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Once you mix it with Pepsi and lime, doesn’t it all pretty much taste the same?

A true connoisseur.

Jane Goodall is more deserving of the Nobel Peace Prize than Greta Thunberg. (Both have been nominated)

Fite me.


Jane Goodall is super awesome.

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Always been a french press guy. It’s like the unfiltered cigarettes of coffee. If the blend is good, I don’t bother with sugar and milk.

NPP is a joke. Fucking Obama got one and that was despite increasing drone strikes and attacking Libya and Syria.

Henry Kissinger has one.

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Last weekend I was out at a Irish bar/restaurant with friends. A few cocktails had been had beforehand. For the first round a friend had a moscow mule with some fancy vodka he specified and I had a Murphy’s stout. I was intrigued by the mule, as I had never had one and it came in a fancy copper cup, so I ordered one for the second round and requested vodka “that comes from a plastic bottle.”

It wasn’t bad but struck me as a bit weak, but I suspect that was a combination of the bar and the prior cocktails.