Non-Pol Hot Takes

Did you know that the Scottish invented fried chicken?

They had to make up for the bagpipes.

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Tbh… No

But us Scots fry everything including Pizza in batter, , cream Eggs, Eggs in batter with sausage(Scotch eggs)… Etc.

Scotch eggs are amazing…

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Do they not have tacos at all in whatever country you’re living in?

Super common in USA#1 to drink both.

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Funny, several times I was scrolling the splash page and thought I saw “pol pot” but then couldn’t find the thread when I looked closer.

So if I got things right here we’re adding number 1 and number 2?

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Pickles suck. Olives suck too. Both just completely overpower and other taste. Kinda like hot sauce. And coffee. I’m fun at parties.

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Before taking LSD, The Beatles were an unremarkable group of musicians with saccharine love songs.


Hot Take: Tom Brady does PEDs and in a decade or two we will look back and laugh at how obvious it was

All NFL players do PEDs.


But Tom Brady especially does PEDs

My hot take is that the Beatles are very overrated and that a solid majority of their songs are bad, but no one listens to those. That said, they do have a lot of great songs. They took acid quite early (spring of 1965 supposedly) and still they had several really good songs (Hard Days Night and I’ll Follow the Sun aren’t really bubblegum and Eight Days a Week, Please Please Me and some others are good bubblegum) in the couple years they were together before that.

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I should set you up with my wife as you both have the palate of a 4 year old. When I tell her that she says I have the maturity of a 4 year old so we’re even.

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There’s movie star head, there’s HGH head, and there’s Brady head. His is the size of a Hummer tire.

But nothing can compare to Sebastian Gorka head.