Non-Pol Hot Takes

Preach. I’ve never seen so much irrational gin hate in one place. Do you like Hendricks and tonic with cucumber? I’ve never heard of Citadelle, I’m not sure we get it here.

I’m secure enough in my masculinity to tell it like it is. Hard alcohol of any kind, any brand, aged in type of barrel is mega-awful.


My standard gin order is rocks, splash of tonic, no fruit. I’ll also do a very dry martini once in awhile.

If you haven’t tried cucumber I highly recommend. Sounds weird, tastes great. Very different experience to adding citrus or whatever.

Seems fine if it’s not more than two weeks old. I prefer single origins with known roast dates but I’ll do some blends like this every now and then. My supermarket has Stumptown blends that work good as a backup. What is your equipment setup and what kind of flavors are you trying to extract?

Gin is perfectly drinkable but I don’t have to worry about masculinity issues thank goodness.

It’s on the bucket list.

I’m man enough to admit I can’t handle hard booze. My drinking arm has a cadence that’s calibrated to beer and barely passable for wine, and even wine can get me in trouble on occasion.

My dad was from a family of serious drinkers - he and mom went thru phases of Manhattan’s, Martini’s and Old Fashioned’s, among other things (along with shag carpet and harvest gold appliances) Every trip to Vegas I have either a scotch or rye on the rocks in their memory, but otherwise I’m a beer sort of guy.


I’m sure the’ve drank that and also those falvoured ones. :joy:

They are both critical. Flavor profiles vary widely across growing regions. But coffee must be fresh and prepared properly to realize it’s full flavor potential.

I don’t drink coffee anymore, but I grew up in the business, and my personal favorite was a smooth, full-bodied Sumatran, prepared using a French-press coffee maker.

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Lol unstuck, vanguard of the proletariat, 200 takes on the choicest coffees and spirits


im so going to make this at Christmas!

I did this once in my douchy college days, and your dad was right. I enjoy gin, but who the fuck orders a gin n tonic at a shitty dive bar? My dumb ass, that’s who.

I’m happy to give rankings on cask wine to lower the tone. tea too!

Does anyone have a strong take on olive oil? Feels like I’m getting scammed in the same way the JBM is cut to 10% real product, but I don’t know enough to table a blazing hot take. I know about the dude who was running nut oils from Africa and bottling it in Italy but that was quite a long time ago.

I remember reading that Costco olive oil was legit.

We use it and I don’t have any complaints.

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I just go by taste and look. I feel like it’s more iimportant to use good quality olive oil in salad dressings etc. I love this Australian one called red island


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extra virgin oil, why dont they just call it dids oil

bad dum psh


I feel like coconut oil is overrated except when used for skin/hair care

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