Non-Pol Hot Takes

IPA is the opposite of a hipster beer imo. Hipsters drink like saisons, sours and weird Belgian yeast beers.

Astroturfing for the beef industry

IPAs are overhyped and overhopped. It is a ā€œhipsterā€ beer in the sense that you go to any trendy downtown bar that offers a lot of craft beers on tap and itā€™ll be 90% IPAs or IPA wannabes. Ask for any kind of lager and theyā€™ll look at you like a phillistine.

The hops arms race of the last 5 years has been really bad for beer in my opinion. I love beer and honestly if my first introduction to it had been an IPA Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d even be drinking beer at all.

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I used to feel the exact same way about IPAs - now I like them. Maybe there is some truth to ā€œacquired tasteā€.

Iā€™ll never enjoy that sour-vinegar hipster crap though. Accidentally bought a bottle of that the other night from Whole Foods. So gross. It was packaged to look just like a Belgian tripel - fuckers.

IPAs are usually decent. Heady Topper is outstanding.

Sours and goses are awful.

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No hipster thinks he is one!

Although I kind of do agree that IPA isnā€™t really a hipster thing. Itā€™s more a typically American excess thing. There is nothing wrong with IPAs per se, and I like hoppy classic beers like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale. I think that IPAs are a bit too much but hey to each its own.

HOWEVER, the annoyingly and typically American thing is the extent to which a hops arms race has developed and how it has taken over the craft beer scene. I actually think itā€™s faded a bit in recent years, but for a while it seemed like many craft breweries were mostly concerned with how much hops they could stuff into their various beers, and IPAs took over 80% of the craft beer coolers in a lot of liquor stores. And vile breweries like Rogue prospered. Now sure sure, thatā€™s just THE MARKET deciding which beers sold the best, but the dominance of increasingly hopped and unbalanced IPAs simply demonstrated that the American beer consumer is on average a fucking moron.

Although you can still find some great American breweries than never embraced the IPA craze and produced a nice selection of balanced and delicious beers. Great Lakes Brewing company is my favorite, although Sam Adams is ubiquitous and generally pretty good.

I donā€™t know what most beers are. I always have to ask what it tastes like because otherwise I donā€™t know what the fuck Iā€™m drinking.

This. On a menu I go for low alcohol content, when asking Iā€™ll say whatever is like Guinness or Newcastle. Or sometimes I just take a random stab.

Yesterday at a cafe I had a Dad Beer. Itā€™s a lager. It was very yellow and perfectly fine.

The beverage hate should be directed at coffee. That turd-colored water is as vile as its appearance and its popularity can only be explained by mass hypnosis.


Okay, brace your selves. This is a serious post by XXX. Donā€™t expect this often.

Last Friday, I had the privilege of acompanying my Significant Other and her 23 year old daughter with autism, to a dance for similar other young people.

It was fun and entertaining. I especially enjoyed watching her daughter, dressed in athletic shorts, loud stockings and cowboy bootsā€¦bust a move to ā€œFootlooseā€!

Then the wheelchair brigade showed up. These folks are extremely disabled and wheelchair bound. It always made me wonder why would they be at such an event. And of course, they positioned themselves right next to me, kind of standing back and away from ā€œthe actionā€. Then somethingā€¦ extraordinary happened.

As I survey the dance floor, I catch the eye of one of the wheelchair bound folks. He wasnā€™t a spring chicken. Actually, pretty Damn old. I bet he was MY age!! I look away, not wanting any one to think I was staring.

I continue my dance watch and eventually, my eyes end back to the wheelchair guyā€¦and he is watching me. We connect eyes again and I see a recognition in his eyesā€¦and a smile crosses his torture face. Then he, painstakingly waved his cramping, misshapen hand. A hand on a wrist so doubled up that it looked painful.

It was at that moment that I understood. This man was 100% cogniscent of who he is, where he is and what is going on. His body just doesnā€™t do what he wants. So to let him know that I get it, I smiled, waved back and gave him a wink. To which I received the biggest smile I think he could muster.

We are all different. We will all learn, hopefully 'til the day we die. Just because a person has a twisted, tortured body does not mean his/her mind is. After all his years of living in and fighting his twisted bodyā€¦he managed to fight up a smile. For me! I am honored!

So I gave a smile to this gentle man. And received much more in return. Donā€™t look past these people and assume they ā€œarenā€™t thereā€. They MAY have fought their own bodies all their life and be ā€œall thereā€ in their heads. And if thatā€™s the case, they are true warriors and true heroes!

If any of this is stated in a way that is hurtful to those that are wheelchair bound or the awesome folks that assist them, please understand. I am a simple man trying to share my feelings about a wonderful chance meeting.

Hot take from Facebook - people in wheelchairs have feelings too. Or something.

My favorite tag group on fb right now is ā€œthat didnt happen so much it unhappened things that hadā€

Thatā€™d be a hit over there

Probably the hottest take in this thread so far.

I just ask the bartender what their favorite beer is and go with that. Figure they know better than me since I donā€™t drink a whole lot.

Largely agree (except Iā€™m more of a Chad than a hipster). In college my roommate and I used to go get make-your-own-6-packs at the local grocery store and try alllll sorts of different beers. At one point our collection was up over 100 different bottles, ~25-30 of which were Sam Adams varieties which were usually pretty solid.

Except dunkelweizen, fuck that shit.

A friend brought me some of that down from your neck of the woods, and itā€™s one of the very few super-hyped beers Iā€™ve had that actually lived up to its reputation. A++, would drink again. But would not jump through all the absurd hoops necessary for non-locals without insider connections to get a 4-pack

Yeah I have no idea what itā€™s like to get that stuff from elsewhere.

About 8-10 years ago, it used to be somewhat difficult and there would be lines out the door when Heady Topper or Sip of Sunshine was delivered each week, but now with just about every brewery making their own Heady Topper knockoff, itā€™s super-easy to get either one anytime I want.

For some reason I decided a year or so ago to drink my way through the Total Wine beer section - one or two bottles a night. Mostly meh, a few REALLY good beers, and I discovered that Belgians have a thing for cherry-cough-syrup flavored beers, which seemed odd. It was fun. (except for the cough syrup ones)


I love the belgian fruity beers. Theyā€™re usually pretty potent as well.

Traditional IPAs have a nice balance between the various elements of hoppiness and maltiness.

The newer hipster-designed IPAs (usually with stupid names) tend to be overblown in hops, as if to attract short-term interest (much like their inventors).