Non-Pol Hot Takes

4.3% beers are great when you can have two of them

I donā€™t drink alcohol. Itā€™s overrated.

<ā€” Pol Pot

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Yuengling is garbage, Iā€™d rather drink bud light. Guinness is excellent and is underrated as a light-ish beer (calorie-wise).

Sours, though :face_vomiting:

Ramen my daughter made.

Now take that back!


looks delish

So Johnnyā€¦

ā€œI donā€™t drink water: fish fuck in itā€

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I was never much of a drinker, but these days I donā€™t even like alcohol. But I like the taste of a good IPA / imperial stout / porter. I wish there were non-alcoholic beers that tasted like craft brews.

Shitty beers make no sense to me. If all you want is alcohol, taste be damned, just take a shot of liquor. Save money, calories and time. Someone mentioned social gatherings. Youā€™re with people and you donā€™t want alcohol but you wanna look like youā€™re drinking, so you grab a bottle of cat piss from the cooler just to fit in? Besides, most of the bud/coors/etc sales isnā€™t even for social drinking.

But holding a beer gives me something to do with my hands while Iā€™m standing around chitchatting


Iā€™m not a heavy drinker either. I canā€™t go past two pints without becoming stumbling drunk.

But I also canā€™t bring myself to drink shit beer. Donā€™t know how people choose to drink Coors or Budweiser. Bunch of weirdos.

I donā€™t mind cheap beer usually. I canā€™t go past the second beer without getting a headache though. And I never was that much of a drinker. Iā€™ve only had more than three drinks a few times since college and that was a long time ago. Basically just at Bachelor parties.

jfc lightweights itt


The best I can ever remember beer tasting was after 12 hours spent working in the sun when the boss would buy a couple of 6 packs of Budweiser for the crew (that would never happen now). Whatever everyone was having after a day of skiing was also pretty good. Since I donā€™t do those things anymore, I also rarely drink now.

Iā€™m not even going to mention how many pints I can drink during a good session. But suffice to say it would be enough to give micro a damn lot of headaches.

Can she cook chanko nabe?


A couple months ago I did a service change with about a hundred and some feet of trenching with one other guy and every day he brought a cooler and it had tall cans of Bud Light. It definitely took the edge off of the manual labor. I can see how people end up doing that everyday.

I suppose she could but I donā€™t know if the sumo wrestlers would be into vegetarian chanko nabe.

With all these ridiculous anti-beer takes in this thread, someone needs to start a beer lovers thread for appropriate balance.


I like beer. I also like hot fudge sundaes. Iā€™ve never even had more than one hot fudge sundae in a hot fudge sundae session.

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