Non-Pol Hot Takes


Your loss

I didnā€™t figure this out until this past year, but the reason I dislike alcohol is the early stage where youā€™re not yet buzzed but starting to feel something. To me that feels like my brain is being damaged lol. So now I only drink when I intend to get buzzed. All or nothing!

If, starting today, I could only eat one flavor of ice cream for the rest of my life, Iā€™d choose plain vanilla.


This is correct :+1:

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All ice cream starts as vanilla

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Vanilla, but the home made kind I used to get as a kid that came from the loud assed machine with rock salt

Nah man Iā€™m going straight to the Ben and Jerryā€™s. Half baked all day. Donā€™t even care if I weigh 600 lbs


When I was a teen, I snuck a tuna sandwich into the movies. My friends were bemused.

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i srsly want to fight you in the street right now

maybe thatā€™s how people feel when i say i donā€™t drink alcohol



Used to not be. Donā€™t know whatā€™s happened to me over the last 3-4 years. Ten years ago, I was practically Frank the Tank.

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:rofl: I half expected people to say it wasnā€™t even a hot take, little did I know! Bring it mofo, I have boxing gear set aside specifically for when I get challenged to hot-take duels. I came prepared for this shit :boxing_glove::boxing_glove:

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Thatā€™s one white hot take from Twitter lady

Hating on the Beatles is just lazy hipster shit.


The right time to stop your road bike exercise session is when the boredom makes you indifferent to getting hit by a car. Actually this is not a hot take, just good advice.