Non-Pol Hot Takes

Cheap beer >>>>> expensive beer. If you’re spending a bunch of money it defeats the point. It’s just beer. Its greatest quality is its banality.


You’re edging dangerously close to BruceZ territory…

hot take on a viral trend:

8÷2(2+2) = 1

I am an engineer and I am prepared to die on this hill.

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There are some animals like tigers, elephants and killer whales for which life in a zoo/aquarium is torture and some animals who do well in zoos/aquariums.

Price isn’t necessarily indicative of quality when it comes to beer, so I hear you there. But banal is not a word I would ever choose to describe the world of beer.

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How is it anything else?

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image vs.

Sure Jan.

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Edit: It’s 1 but people think it’s 16 when you divide 8 by 2 and then multiply by 4.

Number next to parens should come first imo although I’m not sure there’s a strict rule.

Didn’t this go around like 5 years ago as well?

Haha yea it seems to come around every year

The math question is stupid. No one with any sense would write things in that manner.

It should be written as either (8/2)(2+2) or 8/(2*(2+2)) to eliminate any ambiguity.

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As written I think the answer to that math question is 16. Parenthesis first then with what’s left (a division and a multiplication) I’m pretty sure you are supposed to just go left to right.


16 might be right, but seems like 1 should be.

You math guys should know better than me but following order of operations, which I just looked up, it’s 16.

Somebody call BruceZ and let him know we have a homework problem.

had many drunk nights on schaefer back in the day

let’s ask the New York Times, shall we?

Basically, 3rd grade PEMDAS math says it’s 16. because that seems to claim that “8÷2(2+2)” is the exact same as “8÷ 2*(2+2)”. the second one gives 16 going by PEMDAS.

Advanced algebra and beyond math says it’s 1. It’s about implied vs. explicit multiplication and division. As an engineer and someone with advanced math training, I will never NOT see 8 as the numerator and 2(2+2) as the denominator of the equation.

basically, my way (the right way, tyvm) is the bottom one in this picture

I try to hide it but I get a little frustrated when a calculus student doesn’t know something as basic as order of operations and more so if they try to fix it by using a forest of parentheses but I guess that’s what they pay me for so let’s take 2 minutes to get on the same page and move on. It’s just a convention. I can only see the answer here as 16 and that’s what my tools (calculator, wolframalpha, google, etc.) tell me and that’s all I need.* I am a little surprised to see professional mathematicians and CS dudes on twitter spending time on it.

*Could be that in the past I’d have answered 1 and like that blue dress thing I just see it different now. Btw, there’s an Asimov short story about human calculation I just love that I mention every time this comes up:

The Feeling of Power

Cincy represent. Skyline for life.

Last time I went to a zoo the animals all looked so sad. I just can’t get past that. Game preserves, where animals can roam, are fine with me.

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The NFL is hot garbage and is only watched because of the gambling associated with it.