‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

You just talked about the legality of resisting the police with lethal force. Why should anyone take your honestly idiotic takes on guns seriously?

There are no scenarios where being any kind of armed, including having a fucking pocket knife, could ever do anything but make you exponentially less safe where the police are involved.

I’m a civil rights activist especially when it comes to 1A, 2A, and 4A. What about my take on guns is idiotic exactly? Because I acknowledge that owning guns is a constitutionally protected right?

If you happen to be black, that’s unfortunately true and one of the things I’d very much like to change

Dude having any kind of weapon in an encounter with the police is one of the most dangerous things you can do no matter what race you are. Playing in traffic is way way safer. If you’re not white it’s just extra suicidal.

Every valid ‘I need a gun for protection’ scenario revolves around being a criminal who can’t call law enforcement. Even there it probably lowers your life expectancy by escalating dangerous situations to the next level.

The irony is there are more perfectly normal people who conceal and carry than you know about and these are the people you’re probably safest around. Yet, you have no problem that cops have ARs in their backseats or trunks

lol, carrying a hidden gun around town is not perfectly normal behavior.


I dunno. I’ve been stopped and asked if I had any weapons in the car. It never ONCE was a big deal (I live in a state where you must disclose firearms. If a cop ever asks me if I have drugs in the car, or where I’m headed or where I’m going, I tell them I don’t answer questions)

But it is. You guys are trying to ostracize all gun owners as unhinged nuts because YOU don’t agree or like guns. Well too fucking bad


You mean you got a speeding ticket with a gun in the car in a red state once.


Here’s the problem in a nutshell. You seriously expect us to believe that if you saw a cop beating someone unnecessarily that you would pull the gun on the cop to get him to stop and if he didn’t, then you would shoot him.

No one actually believes you would do that. Moreover, even if you have enough of a death wish to do that, it is not something that anyone else would do. So using that as a justification for universal gun ownership is, to put it simply, bulllshit.

Here’s something else to help you out: The reason why cops don’t shoot or beat innocent white kids in rural towns is not because they are afraid that they will get shot in retaliation. It’s because the kids are white. You’re living in some sort of alternate reality if you think otherwise.


Again, you guys are so ignorant on the topic you have know idea who’s carrying guns. There are like only 3 real life people who even know I own a gun. There are people I’ve seen every single day for years who have no idea I carry. Many who are close friends

I mean, if you’re trying to appear rational and sane you’re giving off the opposite impression here. It’s not surprising nor a good look that nearly every gun owner online ends up in an unhinged tantrum when pressed on this issue.


It’s always the same with these fucking people. The rotating cast of ikestoys clones make terrible arguments and ignore reality, common sense and every other country with running water. Liberals argue on the internet and with each other. Republicans get bribed with blood money. People keep dying and schools keep getting shot up and a guy shoots 500 fucking people in Las Vegas and another guy slaughters dozens of FUCKING SIX YEAR OLDS and the dumb fucks like Cactus have the fucking nerve.

Talking doesn’t work on this issue.


Ya no. That’s weird fringe shit even by USA#1’s insane standards. There’s a reason Twitter blows up when idiots bring assault rifles to Chipotle, and it’s not because that’s a perfectly normal way to behave.

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I don’t expect anyone to believe that. I’m not even sure I believe that. It’s like would you enter a burning building to save a baby… You might say you would, but I won’t believe you unless it actually happened. I’d like to think I would, but I can’t even say for myself until it actually happened

My main issue with abolishing guns is the over-the-top militarization of police. I’ve addressed this at great length already ITT and am not going through it again. Maybe you wouldn’t stop an out of control cop. Maybe I wouldn’t. But you better believe that there do exist some that would. That threat needs to be ever present. The government should fear the people. Not the other way around

This is just wrong in my opinion and we can agree to disagree. But small towns work very differently than urban areas. Everyone knows everyone. You can’t tell me there aren’t asshole cops in small towns that wouldn’t love to perform a little police brutality on some smart ass white teen who pops off his mouth to him. Or maybe you think every white kid is an angel who would never do that? It’s all about accountability. The reason it occurs less often is because that cop will be held accountable. If he kills an innocent kid and gets off Scott free it won’t be over so easily as when Alton Sterling got murdered. Because it’s a small town and because everyone know everyone and because most of them are armed there would be civil unrest that the sheriff’s department wouldn’t want.

Jfc man, I don’t see this stupidity in your posts on other topics. I’ve been talking about CONCEAL carry this whole time. How the fuck do you conceal carry an assault rifle?!

I’m done. I’ll see you guys in another thread. You are simply too stubborn and intellectually dishonest to acknowledge that not all gun owners are craven lunatics or that one can’t responsibly own and/or carry a gun. There’s really nothing more to say. This has become an echo chamber with you guys just shaking your fist at the clouds and screaming guns bad! Good luck with that

„thought through“ sounds so much better than „fantasized“, doesn’t it? Cactus is just another one of those gun owners that want to be the hero some day and he already has been so many times in his head.

Why does a civilian’s right to carry a semi automatic assault rifle supersede my right to live?

The only person being intellectually dishonest here is you. This problem doesn’t exist anywhere else in the western world. America is a broken, shit hole country. Our stances on guns, healthcare and imprisonment is literally the worst in the world. Fuck off with your role play hero complex fantasy. You want to shoot people? Sign up to go shoot poor brown people overseas.


Yeah, my bad, dude. Carrying a concealed handgun when I need to go on a milk run is totally normal behavior for a regular person living in a first-world (?) country like the US.