‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

OK, off to go buy some eggs and coffee and paper towels --oh wait, better grab my Glock just in case I need to kill someone on my way out of the parking lot. I mean, you never know.


FYI, list of things which are not normal:

  • Being a regular Joe wandering around in public with a device the sole purpose of which is to kill people strapped to you.

  • Thinking repeatedly about how you would react if you were ever in a tactical kinetic style active shooter scenario (hint: hide or run away, call the police)

  • Not only imagining that the police are kept meekly in line by the threat of being shot by regular citizens, but thinking that this state of affairs is desirable.

The rest of the world



(man founding fathers should have laid out exactly what well regulated militia meant. I understand they thought it was obvious at that point in time…but yeah)


They also didn’t have nearly the same sociological and mental health crises we face today. They’d never include an amendment to bear arms in a Constitution created today.

Well right, but man if they had just said right to bear a single shot musket, instead of right to bear arms

Hey you hunters could still hunt with a single shot musket

Agreed. I’m pretty sure that’s what they meant, but being specific would have helped.

The thick headed gall it must take to feel justified putting thoughts that were never uttered into someone else’s head. I can’t even relate dude. Training to be safe and competent is not the same as fantasizing. Never once mentioned wanting to be a hero. But sure. Knock yourself out with more made up crap. And you think I live in a fantasy world?

Nope. Never posted there. But it’s good to know there more who agree with me than you know. Didn’t need to tell me that, but it’s good that you now know. I’m sure you’d shit your pants if you knew how many people you probably encounter every day who were conceal carrying. Yet you’re still alive and have probably never witnessed a shootout. But I’ll bet if you’ve spent any time in a bar, you’ve seen some pretty nasty brawls where people get hurt. Wonder why?

Again, do you think this makes you come across as anything but a psychopath? This post is completely unhinged, matching the worst stuff ever posted on 2p2.


Like I just mentioned I’m sure half of you would shit your pants if you know the actual number of people who conceal carry all around you. Yet, miraculously you’ve probably never been shot by one of them

Thinking repeatedly… :thinking: Oh, you must mean training to be a safe and responsible gun owner/carrier. Hint: The LAST people I’d call would be the police. And I would much rather hide and run away if I could than shoot someone. Something your thick mind might understand if you could handle two trains of thoughts at once

Police protecting and serving their communities instead of extorting people rather as acting judge and jury would be very desirable I agree

Dude, you’re replying to someone who explicitly stated they don’t live in the USA. Where they live concealed carry does not exist. How are you so unhinged right now you aren’t even bothering to read your replies?

I see nothing unhinged or psychopathic about anything I’ve said. I’ve done nothing but advocate for gun safety and responsibility. For now, we have a constitutional right bear arms and self defense and all your whining and name calling isn’t going to change that. This causes endless whining, screaming, and fist shaking that makes YOU look like the unhinged psychopath. Wake me up when you’ve succeeded in taking our gun rights away

Sorry, didn’t know where ChrisV lived and assumed rest of the world meant anyone who didn’t think like me. I agree gun reform works in other parts of the world and am on record saying I wouldn’t mind being like them. But show me the stats on how many people a year the police kill where he lives

I’m not American either dude, not sure how I’m taking your rights away. “I know you are but what am I?” isn’t the best look, but I wasn’t expecting anything more sophisticated.

You thought when someone said “the rest of the world” they meant, “yes, I actually live in the USA but have a different opinion then you do?” Go to bed dude, this is the worst posting I’ve seen since UP was founded. You thought a random American dude had a picture of Australia as their avatar? Really?

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I’m not trying to be sophisticated. On the contrary, I’m being sophomoric because I’m dealing with ridiculous amounts of ignorance about gun owners. If you’re not American then why should you have any say about my constitutional rights? Unless you’ve lived here and had to deal with and constantly read about the daily corrupt law enforcement and judicial system we live under why would your opinion matter to me?

list of deaths caused by law enforcement officers by country

United States - 30 per 10 million
Australia - 1.7 per 10 million


Are you sure you county requires a permit for conceal carry? And you don’t say where you live or how big your county is. I probably see, pass, and drive by at least thousands of people every day. So let’s see… Unless you’re a hermit, you probably encounter at least 1k-2k people a day “packing heat man” (I take it your gun views have been formed from old Barnaby Jones re-runs), every day of your life and omg you haven’t been shot to death yet by the big bad gun owners! I hope you run that good playing poker

Australia has good gun laws. I wouldn’t mind doing what they’ve done with guns. Can you cite their police murder rate? Do they shoot more than 1000 people dead per year?

A little drunk, but c’mon… Packing heat? :rofl: Who says that? You guys have been watching too many movies about Al Capone or something

Hey Bugsy ya better call your boys off cuz I’m packing heat see? :sweat_smile: :rofl:

To encounter 1-2000 people a day you’d have to work a full shift in a Costco, there is nowhere in the USA I can even imagine you’d run into 1000 gun carriers a day. Not even the busiest gun range gets anywhere near that much traffic.

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