‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


I truly believe the reason gun nut fucksticks do this is to get a rise out of the libs. I’m out.

And a far disproportional rate of cop’s guns killing black men. But let’s take everyone else’s guns away first and we’ll have that conversation later, right?

I don’t see how this is relevant. Is stupidity a crime?

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It can be. Especially when it comes to arguing self-defense.

A cop is the absolute last person you want to protect yourself from with a gun. The chance you will be legally justified using the gun is tiny, you’re probably going to prison even if you were justified and a cop is way more likely to shoot you if you have a gun.

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Canada and Australia have mental health problems and problems with their indigenous populations. They don’t have insane rates of gun deaths.

My favourite genre of American internet post is armchair reasoning about the world that is in direct contradiction to how the rest of the world actually works. See also: universal healthcare is impossible.


It’s truly awe inspiring to see these people act as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist time after time.

We call it American Exceptionalism for a reason.

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I found them. The largest penises in America.


You’ve never made a satisfying case why anyone needs the type or amount of guns that are in the public’s hands.

You certainly haven’t made a case that would have stood up to common interpretation of the 2nd amendment for the vast majority of our nations history.

I like to drive fast, man is it fun! That doesn’t mean I should get to pitch a fit and drive fast all the time. Just as there are tracks for people to drive fast on let’s put all the guns in lockers at shooting ranges and let people use them there.

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Yeah that’s not why. A clue to the real answer is in the post


I ever saw something like this I honestly don’t know what I’d do. Banging someone’s head into the pavement sure looks like attempted murder. And if someone did take out that thug right then and there I’d be 100% on their side

It truly amazes me that the majority of Americans, even those old enough that they should remember do not realize the current interpretation of the 2A is not even old enough to vote.

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This here is how I know you know nothing about firearm responsibility. Even if you were holding a threat at gunpoint and he attempts to run away, YOU LET HIM RUN AWAY!

If he runs towards you, he’s gonna get shot. But this has nothing to do with the video. You’re ignorance and ranting things at the sky has once again forced me to take on the devil’s advocate position. I’m not going down that rabbit hole again with you. I’m perfectly happy to accept that you’re ignorant about guns and that’s not going to change

Well, you gotta take into consideration that I have to be especially careful with what I say, because I’ve already been accused of being a cop killer

Nothing here changes my view on cops or how utterly disgusting police practices are

Again, I have to be careful with what I say, but did you know that in some states an unlawful arrest can be resisted with deadly force? Of course, you’ll never come away from that clean

You… Are living in a fantasy world. You so much as hold a gun near a cop and you have almost no chance of avoiding a body bag. The law has nothing at all to do with it.

I’ve addressed your points 9 ways from Sunday and you try and make me out to be hypocritical each time…

  • If someone was holding me at gunpoint, I’d follow their orders. Whether it was a 10 year old kid, a cop, or someone from the Russian mob

  • I refuse to take any option off the table when it comes to dealing with out of control police

  • As a gun carrier, I’d never be in the situation of the video that started this discussion. Period. Full stop

  • If a stranger ever charged me aggressively and I had time to draw my weapon, I would. If he was far enough away, I’d yell at him to STOP! . If he then ran away, I’d let him. If he kept charging, I’d discharge at least two rounds into his hip area (the reason I’d immediately site the hip when drawing is because a shot to the chest might not stop someone charging you at close range, but it’s pretty hard to take even more than 1 more step with a shattered pelvis)

What else do you want to know? This isn’t rocket science and nothing I’m saying is new or unfamiliar to a civilian who’s trained in conceal carry (there may be different opinions). My point is, a responsible gun owner is the least of your worries. The father and son team who killed that guy were anything but responsible!

It’s “concealed” carry. I would never open carry. I actually think that’s stupid (although, I acknowledge open carry is also a right)