‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Well, I guess that Georgia jury was not very racist. 20 minute deliberation lol.

Shocking that Bossip (lol) and Jemele (lol) Hill (lol) got the facts so wrong.


  1. Two people enter Brown’s house
  2. He’s showing his house
  3. The people claim they were invited by someone (presumably the realtor)
  4. Brown confronts them.
  5. They begin to leave.
  6. He fires shots at them as the leave.

CYTE: Shannon Brown arrested for allegedly firing gun at people

When you say “facts”, you mean the story that the intruders told the police?

Is there any corroboration of this? I didn’t see it in the article. Video? Witnesses? Brown also saying that’s how it went down?

I think a lot depends on whether it’s a stand your ground state. Obviously, this is an obnoxious display of racism and the black dude never should’ve even been bothered in the first place and therefore not be dead right now. But I can’t tell exactly where the violence/threat happened in that vid. Look like he went from running on the side of the truck towards the gunman

This is where I’ll take tons of flack, but leaving race totally out of it for a sec… Being unarmed and running towards someone with a gun is a pretty stupid thing to do. I GET IT!! He didn’t deserve to die and I wish HE were the one with a gun and shot the white dude who was threatening HIM! That’s the way I’d have liked this to go down. But from a legal standpoint, I don’t know. You got a guy charging someone. That someone shot him and can now easily claim he was in fear for his safety. These redneck racist assholes should never have confronted this guy, but I’m not so sure the events leading up to the confrontation are going to matter in a court of law. I conceal carry. If some stranger were ever to start charging me like that from such a short distance, I would draw and shoot. There wasn’t even enough time to yell STOP! Of course, I’m not a fucking racist and would never bother anyone regardless of race or get in their business, so this never would’ve happened if it were me with the gun

This part of the video is obscured. I really wonder what led him to run towards the man on the ground with gun.

Anyway, I believe that the man on the ground AND the man in the truck bed had guns. They can’t both have Stood Their Ground.

Right. I’m making no judgments. It’s so hard to tell exactly what happened from the video. But the first gun shot does seem to be AFTER the guy was running towards him. I could be wrong and like I said am not making judgments except to say that the father and son are POS racists and guy seemed to be doing nothing more than going out for a peaceful jog

Ok, here’s how that works, because I initially had the same reaction as @Cactus: Arbery initially wants to run past the left side of the car and runs in that direction. Travis sees this and stations himself at the left front corner of the car. Arbery sees he’s armed and zags to the right to avoid him. Travis counters by moving to the right front corner of the car. They meet there. The video cuts out at this point, but when you see a couple seconds later Arbery holding the end of the barrel, you can conclude that within 2 seconds of Arbery passing the car, Travis trained the gun on Arbery.

So Travis escalated 3 times before Arbery showed any aggression: following Arbery, ordering Arbery to stop by the left front corner and training the gun on Arbery at the right front corner after trying to cut Arbery off. The only remaining issue is whether Travis stopping Arbery constitutes a citizens arrest and that Travis properly defended himself after Arbery grabbed the gun. That might fly if Travis had witnessed Arbery commit a burglary, but in a saner world, hearing about a burglary months ago won’t cut it.

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One thing that’s I think everyone is assuming is that Arbery noticed the guns well before he was right next to the truck. I know when I’m running and I’m tired, there are a lot of things I don’t notice around me (which I why I almost never run on roads). If I were Arbery, unless the guns were held up and aimed right at me, there is a great chance I wouldn’t have noticed them until I was right next to the truck.

But that’s just me. I don’t know what Arbery saw, and I don’t care. No matter how you slice it, he was straight up murdered.

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Why don’t you make no judgements about the guys who are hunting down another person with guns? You are shocked, while making no judgement, granted, that someone would run towards someone with a gun, yet I don’t see you shocked that someone with a gun hunted Arbery down.

You don’t need to try to explain the actions of the victim here because the actions of the murderer’s is never acceptable.

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I see the shooter clearly backing away from Arbery BEFORE the first shot was fired.That might be important. I don’t know

It might really all come down to the bold part. I’m sure they’re going to try and say they thought he was running because he just stolen something (after all, he’s black and they look like low IQ racist rubes).

Bottom line for this gun thread: These racist rats are perfect examples of irresponsible gun ownership no matter what the courts decide

Is this case it certainly was

Sorry… Charging someone holding a gun is just plain stupid unless you’re 100% sure you’re about to be shot no matter what you do

I’ve taken a conceal carry class and view responsible gun ownership as a very serious matter. I have thought through and even trained for a lot of different scenarios that I might encounter. As a result, I’d never have put myself in the situation we’re discussing now. I also know one particular felon who isn’t allowed to carry who I’m pretty sure could kill you with his knife almost as quick as someone with a gun could. You really have no idea who’s in your midst or how dangerous they may be

No. If someone has a gun pointed at me I’m going to follow their orders whether that person means means good or harm

It’s really quite the opposite. I am so much LESS LIKELY to get into needless confrontations or pull stupid shit because I carry and fully realize the danger my weapon poses to both an attacker and myself! You don’t understand guns. I get it. But it’s my right to be able to defend myself whether you like it or not. And if you ever want to calm down and stop with your outlandish fantasies about how all gun owners think they’re Dirty Harry, I’d be happy to explain responsible gun ownership to you

How can you say this without admitting you’re just fucking trolling? If I have said anything you think is unreasonable then address it. Otherwise, I’m addressing your points in earnest one by one while you’re flame throwing emotional bullshit at me

That’s because you don’t understand guns and I strongly suspect people in general. As I stated above, I know a non gun owner who can kill just as quickly without a gun (albeit from a shorter distance). You quite literally don’t know what you’re talking about. Or are just naive about people in general

This clearly isn’t true! I only logged on today to bitch about banks being bailed out and how they’re turning around and screwing the poor. Jesus Johnny T if you’re gonna go on half ass rants and putting thoughts into people’s heads at least put some research into it

Again, this just isn’t true. Search my posts. I don’t log on here much and when I do, it’s just to browse the most current topics. I certainly didn’t log on today to defend what I see as a senseless murder of yet another innocent black person. You clearly know very little about guns or what the difference is between a random who owns a gun and someone who has taken the time to take safety and training classes on how and WHEN to use one. Believe me… You’re about 10,000 times safer having a random encounter with me than the next fucking cop you meet on the street. Especially, if you’re not white

Periodic reminder that Japan has like 5 gun deaths a year. Australia has a “gun culture” and a gun death rate like 100 times lower than USA #1. We don’t have a unique “mental health” problem. We have a motherfucking gun problem. News flash: if the government wants to kill you, you don’t have a chance. Weird how the “I need a gun to protect me from the cops” crowd is on team cop every time they execute a black kid.


Though they tend to get less attention than gun-related murders, suicides have long accounted for the majority of U.S. gun deaths. In 2017, six-in-ten gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides (23,854), while 37% were murders (14,542), according to the CDC. The remainder were unintentional (486), involved law enforcement (553) or had undetermined circumstances (338).

(Male deaths by firearm-related injuries in the U.S. by ethnicity 2016 | Statista), the amount of black victims has fallen by over half since 1970 in proportion to the population. While this improvement has been welcomed, black males remained twice as likely to be the victim of a gun related death compared with white males.

Yes. I do. Your ignorance is glaring

This is true. I am much more afraid of cops than I am some random on the street. I especially fear for the safety of non-whites at the hands of cops

Why do you find this contradictory? If a cop has a gun trained on me I’m gonna follow his orders too. I’m not an idiot. My point about cops is that if the population is equally armed, they are much less likely to pull the shit they do. There’s a reason why asshole cops don’t go shooting white kids in small rural towns. It’s because the population is mostly armed and that cop will be held accountable for killing someone’s innocent kid and he knows it. Justice will be served one way or another. I don’t find anything contradictory in what I’m saying. If you do, please point it out. I like to be logical

What we have is a poverty and racial injustice problem

And mental health. Although all three are interrelated.

But mostly guns.