‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Yeah, you’ve gotta get the right thread for depressing shit like this. This thread is for mass shootings, Trump’s America is for racist/sexist/homophobic Trumpy people doing offensive/violent shit, and I think there’s a third one for specifically cops killing black people. This one’s a little tricky, but it’s probably more of a Trump’s America form of things that make you want to just give up.

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I’m amazed people think it’s a lock that they’re going down for this. I think it’s maybe a flip.


Same cognitive dissonance toward both gun violence and covid. People just cannot or will not connect the dots.

COVID is going to connect the dots for them. Hard. Sadly it’s going to take a bunch of good folks out, too.

I don’t think it’s a lock they’re going down.

It’s an easy prosecution.

Is the carjacker white?

But he’s black.

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People may be thinking it’s a lock based on the facts and a fair application of the law, before adjusting for USA#1 racism in which case it is a coun toss.

If there’s no video they probably get off if they even get arrested. This is basically Trayvon Martin all over again.

Seems worse. Zimmerman at least had a plausible self defense narrative. Like if you believed everything Zimmerman said not guilty is a reasonable verdict. But I don’t see how there could even be a self defense narrative here. This would be like if Zimmerman had approached Martin with his gun drawn. Like the first interaction this victim had was some guy jumping out of a pickup which had just aggressively cut him off wielding a goddamn shotgun. Insane.

Much different. Trayvon was way more ambiguous.

Do you think these white folk wouldn’t lie and have a plausible self-defense narrative if there wasn’t a video to contradict them?

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Probably? I’m talking about the facts of the actual case, which consist mainly of the video.

And of course the video seems likely to have been shot by a buddy of theirs. They probably told the guy to film the encounter, ironically, likely with the goal of exonerating themselves if anything untoward happened.

If George Zimmerman had approached Trayvon Martin with his gun drawn, then lied about it afterwards, would you be able to tell?

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depends on the sort of evidence that supported Zimmerman approaching Martin with his gun drawn. Honestly not sure what the heck sort of point you’re trying to make here is.

Stop. Now. Stop.


Seriously I will put this thread on ignore.

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You are saying this seems worse than the Trayvon Martin case because Zimmerman had a plausible self-defense narrative, that the two cases are different because of that.

I’m saying that the difference is the video. Without video, this duo could have easily had a plausible self-defense narrative that would fit known facts. With video, maybe Zimmerman wouldn’t.


Of course? All my posts in this thread have been, “how can this even be a thing given that there is a video showing that this poor guy was murdered”. If there had been a video showing Trayvon Martin being murdered by Zimmerman I expect the case would have played out differently.