‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America



Hopefully there’s no question on the gun test in which you have to identify a magazine versus a clip or all of us non-gun people would fail and then be mocked on social media.


Thoughts and prayers.




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Less than two weeks later…

This is how you deal with mass shooting

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I know very little about guns, yet I earned an 80% on the first practice quiz.

Opened test, first question:


So stupid it hurts.

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nothing about the filmed murder of jogger Ahmaud Arbery yet? Shit is crazy, how in the world have these dudes not been arrested yet? The cops had this video the day of the murder.

“Uh, I’m out here at Satilla Shores. There’s a black male running down the street,”

oh man sounds serious

I mean everyone here knows why they haven’t been arrested.

I guess? But there’s not even a remotely plausible claim for self defense here – dude jumped out of a truck and pointed a shotgun at another dude just jogging down the street. It’d be like if a carjacker claimed self defense when his victim tried to fight back after he gets a gun pointed at him.

From the bullshit i’ve seen on facebook, notably only like 2 out of 20, most people i have seen comment on this realize it was murder, they went with the “they just wanted to talk to the dude and then he tried to take someones gun, and when you try to take someones gun then its all self defense baby” laugable obviously

Yeah when I just want to talk to someone I usually don’t cut them off with my pickup and jump out like fucking Dirty Harry pointing a goddamn shotgun at them. I know you’re not advocating that point but it’s just absurd on its face. Hopefully the feds take over this shit (is that a thing?).

Like even my gun nut All Lives Matter dipshit coworkers think this dude was straight up murdered.

Apparently the prosecutor loves prosecuting black people for voter fraud

agreed, i don’t think feds can takeover but i think its going to move forward now with the attention its getting, ridiculous its even taken this long but i just googled and saw where even GOP in Georgia is pushing on it now.

I know i know but can you imagine if 3 black guys did this to a white guy, woulda been a massive manhunt, probably talk of changing laws and god knows what else, and I’m not even sure the guys get taken alive when arrested if they aren’t super careful when the police bust down the doors.

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It took two and a half months for this video to get out into the world. Imagine how much equally outrageous shit successfully gets swept under the rug.


The quality of this video is terrible. I can’t tell if the racist white guys were pointing a gun at the black man they confronted for no reason before the video shows the black man engaging in an altercation with the man on the street.

Self-defense basically comes down to whether the defendant reasonably believed he was at risk of death or serious physical injury AND that the defendant didn’t introduce risk of death or serious physical injury to the encounter. Self-defense is an affirmative defense, and I don’t think the defense lawyer would be able to argue based on this footage that his client did not introduce the risk of death or serious physical injury to the encounter. The video footage appears to show the opposite is more likely. Sometimes, self-defense claims are successful because the jury never gets to see any real evidence other than what the defendant testifies to.

TLDR: this is a pretty easy W for the prosecution.

The father involved worked for the police force handling the investigation and currently works for the DAs office that would be bringing charges so I’m sure that has a lot to do with why this murder was covered up

Apparently, a special prosecutor was assigned after the video became public.

The originally assigned prosecutor has a lot to answer for; this is such an easy case in which to establish homicide.

agreed, also i saw in the witness statements that supposedly they took guns with them because “someone had seen him reach into his waistband” or something previously and so they thought he might be armed. you can’t make this shit up.

This kind of defense “furtive gesture” is used by cops a lot, but those cases are usually much different: they are in pursuit of suspects, perhaps believed to be dangerous, etc.

There is no reasonable information to suggest the deceased man here was or had been engaging in a dangerous crime.

oh yea i know all about the reached for his waistband schtick, that was my point. Of course they said they saw that, this fucking country