‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Lol, NRA and #Moscow Mitch up in that thread.

How about a compromise. Maybe Democrats agree to a ban on violent video games if Republicans agree to a ban on assault weapons and ammunition.






Not the time to talk about sensible gun laws the rest of the world has is the time to talk about restricting the freedom to play video games.

Reading the Facebook debate today (as one does after the bi-weekly mass shooting that is heinous enough to illicit national coverage) a guy I went to high school with popped off about gun show laws in OK. I play cards with another guy that will literally go to a gun show after a shooting and buy multiple AR-15s without any kind of background check whatsoever, and I mentioned as much. Oklahoma is a “no background checks required for private sales” state. You’ll never guess high school dipshit’s profile picture…

That’s right! He’s hunting an unarmed animal with an assault rifle and a 30 round clip! You can’t make this shit up.

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The hardcore hunters I know would really look down on that shit. One guy I know will only use a crossbow.

They’re fragile manhood is quite apparent and seems universal.

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“iT’s NoT a ClIp It’S a MaGaZiNe!” - people who call anyone with brown skin who speak Spanish Mexican.



Depending on the caliber of rifle in that picture that could be illegal. Most states have a capacity limit for hunting. Apparently Oklahoma only has a limit on .22 caliber rifles. So if that is a .223 rifle that was illegal. Oklahoma has no limit on larger calibers though. lol Oklahoma.

Way to go media plastering this guys name and face all over the teevee. They’ll never learn.

Like a clip is one tiny thing, and a magazine is a whole bunch of things. Chessmate.

According to a comment on his pic “.300blk”

Thought and prayers.



I really hope it hurts.*

*and this is coming from a very nonviolent, nonconfrontational person. But I wish pain and suffering on all of these complicit assholes.

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Doesn’t Mitch know that the only thing that stops a bad fall is a good fall?


When I asked why the limit on shells as a kid my relatives always said that if you can’t kill the animal with 3 shots, 4 or 5 wasn’t going to help. It’s completely unnecessary when hunting.

100 fucking rounds JFC.


The compromise should be:

You can keep your guns, but they cannot be assault weapons. They cannot fire more than five shots in 30 seconds (dunno the best number just spitballing). They must have fingerprint locks and gps. When they’re fired, the police will immediately be notified of the weapon, owner, location and number of shots fired. If they’re registered as home defense weapons, the GPS tech will limit them to firing within 100 yards of your home. If they’re registered as non home defense weapons, you’ve gotta go through like two days of training and extensive background checks. All gun purchases will require mental health exams. If someone carries out a mass shooting with your gun and it was not legally owned and stored (must be locked in a safe, etc), you’re going to jail.

Could add to that probably, but in 2019 it should be easy to have reasonable gun control and the idea of selling new technology and new guns to all the gun nuts should get the gun lobby excited.