‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Not sure it even needs to be jail. Like, if we could just mandate that every gun must have gun insurance just like car insurance, because you are liable for all of its uses, that could go a long way to reducing gun ownership.


You should be required to fill out paperwork every time you fire a gun in a non-hunting context. Failure to submit the proper forms in a timely manner will result in confiscation of your guns.

All guns should be licensed and registered. Ownership of an unregistered gun should be a felony. There is no unfettered right to property.

Nah, that wouldn’t work either. They’ll just say the 2A allows you have a gun and doesn’t say you need insurance for that gun.

The gun nutters will never compromise. Ever.

fuck this shit
fuck these people

Hopefully the people cheering it on online are doing something illegal and can be prosecuted; **** them too.

A thousand dollars a bullet tax. Sometimes the old jokes make the best solutions


That’s another good idea. It can be a soft landing for the insurance companies when we go to single payer healthcare.

Obligatory posting, Japan has this figured out. Just copy them and call it a day.

Probably a proximal humerus fracture, which hurts like a motherfucker.

So, good.



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Re: Mitch, I’m pulling for an Oxy addiction.


Old people fall and often die. I am using every one time I have left on earth!

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Could you describe in great detail what you mean by “hurts like a motherfucker?”

Just kidding… I think.

Describe it slowly and end with a countdown.


I don’t know where we want the line to be, but I think it’s somewhere in this ballpark. McConnell is detestable and he is doing so much damage to our country that it’s hard to quantify… but rooting for death is extreme, even for someone causing untold deaths.

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yeah, no

It’s a huge difference between rooting for his natural death (which is fine imo) and rooting for violence (which is not).

Nah fuck him. The day he dies the world will be a better place. I hope he’s in agony right now and it hurts for him to breathe.


In a lot of ways Dems are messing up with their focus on trump. Trump is evil but stupid. Mcconnell is evil but brilliant. The latter is far more dangerous.

McConnell is not brilliant. He played bad and got there. He’s the hyper LAG who looks great when hitting, with a heavy assist from a weak tight opposition party.

Not worth debating but brilliant might be too strong. He is obviously highly competent at playing the game where as Trump has yet to master tic tac toe.