‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

What about rooting for fatal drug interactions?

Thing is that some chud is gonna replace him and do the same exact shit Mitch would in the event that he croaked

Mitch doesn’t seem impressive to me. He’s just aware that he has all the cards and is sufficiently shameless to completely run the table by simply denying votes on stuff he doesn’t want passing whilst shoving through every last possible piece of pro-donor legislation he can to ensure that the people who actually matter in his world are getting enough out of it to keep him in his luxury lifestyle.

He’s basically just an immoral piece of shit who figured out that once you have power, if you completely remove common decency and morality from the equation and just do whatever the hell you want nobody will stop you as long as the right people are still getting served. It puts him a few levels above Trump, who just does and says whatever the fuck he wants and gets away with it because it just so happens that 40% of America is either racist or stupid, but it doesn’t make him a genius.

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Yeah, Mitch is just shameless. Not letting laws he doesn’t want even come to the floor and not allowing a vote for Garland weren’t brilliant. That stuff is just pure partisan and anti-democratic not giving a fuck. Mitch is just demonstrating how awful the system of giving extra power to leadership in congress is.

At the risk of being pedantic, this is probably totally wrong. It’s definitely wrong for Australia where we had one a couple months ago in which four people died, and I have a hard time believing the number is zero in all those other countries under the liberal definition of “mass shooting” being used (which includes things like familial murder-suicides).

The truth is bad enough. If we were keeping up with the US, we’d have had more like 20 of them, not one. And it’s going to be worse if you look back at previous years - there was one last year but then none in the previous three years.


It’s a real statistic, but depends on how broadly you define mass shooting.


Piers Morgan tweeted something I agreed with, which is weird but a stopped clock etc.


And as always:

I vaguely remember seeing a drum magazinelike that in Call of Duty or whatever but I think you had to grind through a lot of matches to unlock one. JFC at letting any random dipshit in America buy one to hunt deer or whatever.

The Dayton shooting has been surreal for me, seeing news footage and recognizing bars I’ve been to, having to call people and tell them I’m okay. I guess if you live long enough eventually you’ll have a mass shooting near where you live.


@suzzer99 I know you’ll be super happy about this since I see you mention 8chan more than anyone else



That answer is what normal people are desperate for.

Top three are the booking shots of 3 mass murderers the day of their arrest, bottom three were all taken the day they were arrested for driving offenses.

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Why can’t Beto be like that all the time?

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Beto’s team must be ITT and read the recommendation someone drop an F-bomb in regards to this shit

dgaf Obama, er, Beto is the best Beto.

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Cross thread ponied on Beto. He’s saying the quiet part that needs to be not quiet.

Honestly no idea why some/any of the polls-at-1% dem candidates doesn’t go on a full on f bomb rant against the “conservatives” at one of these debates I mean why the fuck not.

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It’s a good moment, but drop that f bomb into Chuck Todd’s face next debate and you have my vote Beto.
