‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America





Lol… Just in case:

If so, it was my recommendation and I’m available for advice and speech writing. Slide in my PMs.

Honestly Beto folks, as you might guess from my recommendation to drop an f-bomb, I’m no bullshitter. So I’ll be up front: I very much prefer Liz, Pete and Bernie (and I’m smart enough to know some of you do too), but if I’m promised the ear of the candidate at least occasionally, and a decent WH job, I’m down to work for the guy who has a shot to inspire America and turn Texas blue in a presidential race. No offense, but your campaign and/or Beto has/have been bumbling around so far. It’s not too late, but it’s close.


It’s both morally right and politically right, and yet… I mean, I get why. They’re afraid the networks will cut their mic and kick them off the stage.

Good! More publicity. Like I wouldn’t go doing it every debate, but if you pick your spot well (aka now), it’s a huge win.

Congress is on recess, but I’d imagine a busted shoulder will put Mitch out of commission mentally and physically for at least 1-2 months, and maybe permanently. I doubt he’ll be able to even walk much and he’ll have to be on some meds. Strikes me as a pretty big deal injury for someone his age with a lot of responsibility.

Sad that someone else will have to shoulder his burden…


I’m MattyLice and I approve this message.

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Imagine if this happened to Hillary? You can practically hear the OUTRAGE from the right screaming she’s a senile old lady that can’t handle the rigors of walking from here to there. How can she possibly be fit for office?


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Comment from Reddit.

"He is close to being 80. My grandma was sick, but it was her fall that finally led to her rapid deterioration. Survived all kinds of nasty stuff. Death from complication after falling on a floor. Just saying. "

At the least, wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t run in 2020.

I saw this live… actually heard it live… had the game on in a browser. Was proud of the lad.

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The GOP voters wouldn’t care. Make fun of Mitch all you want. They all despise him and Romney and Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio and Jeb and all of them. They are the party of Trump and Roy Moore and Joe Arpaio and even David Clarke. Mitch is a useful tool at best for the rank and file. And if Trump breaks his shoulder they’ll just talk about his supernatural healing powers and how the fall would have killed any Democrat politician.

Good statement by Beto. American politics needs more speaking frankly.

Do these people not know Fox News is a thing, or that Donald Trump is president?

I don’t really know who to be mad at for that because most parties genuinely seem well intentioned but, holy shit, if you think people need to know that the fucking president’s rhetoric mirrors a white nationalist terrorist then not wanting people to read the white nationalist terrorist’s rhetoric seems self-evidently the worst way to achieve that goal.


To be fair Mitch was probably popping percocets by the dozen and wasn’t able to reply.

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