‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

At least McConnell finally brought a motion to the floor.

(stolen from reddit)



Mexico has promised to explore pursuing terrorism charges in the US legal system over the shooting in El Paso, Texas, which claimed the lives of seven Mexican citizens and left seven more injured.

The Mexican foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, also said Sunday that Mexico would try to take legal action against the person or firm who sold the assault weapon used in the Saturday slayings. The country will also pursue the possibility of extraditing the suspect to Mexico, Ebrard said.

“We consider this an act of terrorism against the Mexican-American community and Mexican nationals in the United States,” Ebrard told reporters. “Mexico is outraged. But we aren’t proposing to meet hate with hate. We will act with reason and according to the law and with firmness.”

A 21-year-old man is suspected of opening fire in a Walmart store in the US border city on Saturday, killing at least 20 people. Police in El Paso are examining a hate-riddled message on the website 8chan, posted around 20 minutes before Saturday’s attack, that stated: “This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”

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holy shit that has me livid

Did you see his line of questioning on BDS with Rashida Talib? Dude 100% thinks Palestinians are less than full humans.


Saw a little of Fox and Friends. There’s apparently no known motive for El Paso shooter.

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I’ll try again…

Imo all American main stream media is racist in there shows, they never talk about the real oppression of black folks and Hispanic folk that also help keep down the poor and downtrodden in society… Along with most all Western country’s in that we tend to punish rather than aid.

gotta be honest bro that post didn’t make any sense

That enraged me too, it was as if the Palestine people were not of this earth.

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yes, and agreed 100%

In other inexplicably motiveless terrorism news:


The media fucks like Tapper fumbling this as bad as possible every time they actually have attention on them after a major news story is purposeful. They are complicit.

It’s the same cycle over and over. Pander to the left when no one but the hardcores are watching. As soon as some major event happens move the talking points as far to the right as possible. That way the right can bleet about how even the hardcore liberal media is saying these things.


Another day in America:


Father Huckabeast now on FoxNews: Let’s be very clear, the common denominator here is not the type of weapon used. It is the loss of connection with God and the sense of identity with their creator and the love they have for his people, blah blah blah blah…

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video games!

-signed the orange nazi


Seems like a risky move to piss off the GamerGate part of Trump’s base.

Na… They’ll just point to the Destiny types out there and roll along using it to point & laugh at the young kids who missed out… Feelings man.

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