‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America


And, as we all know, the reason why Japan has so few gun deaths - fewer in a year than we have in a day - is because they love Jesus and hate video games.


Not many Hispanic people in Japan hanging out and pissing off the Real Japanese.

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It’s because they built big, beautiful, majestic walls around every island to keep the billions of Chinese from invading their home.

2p2 thinks that it was eco-fascism.

An opinion piece by Suzanna Moore.

You didn’t have to ask, did you, when you heard about the latest shootings in the US? You didn’t think: “Well, there are a hell of a lot of women out there who are utterly alienated, possibly with mental health issues, who have very screwed up attitudes about migrants in the US, so ‘the shooter’ in each case will clearly be one of them.” You just knew.

Before you get into the “not all men” groove, let me just say, no, not all men are murderous, for which I suppose I must be thankful. But I am not actually. Not at all. Not all men rape either, but in this country we have watched rape become virtually decriminalised because the justice system is so poor.

I am sad, so sad for the US, because I once lived there and it always felt like my future, my possibility

Many men will be as appalled as I am about all this. Good. Lobby to change things. You have the power.

Republican State Lawmaker Accuses His Party Of ‘Enabling White Supremacy’

“We have a Republican president who continually stokes racist fears in his base,” McCollister wrote. “He calls certain countries ‘sh*tholes,’ tells women of color to ‘go back’ to where they came from and lies more than he tells the truth.”

“When the history books are written, I refuse to be someone who said nothing,” he added.


Dude, you’ve been saying nothing FOR YEARS.

The “shithole countries” thing was over a year and a half ago. Where the fuck were you then?

I like the chutzpah of just assuming he’ll be in the history books.

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Fuck that guy, and fuck anyone still associated with the cult of trump. The republican party has been evil incarnate since Eisenhower left office, it’s just that much more evident and out in the open thanks to der orange fuhrer.

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It’s going to take mass demonstrations, with mass distribution of elected officials and the NRA folks + Airports and everything else that makes people’s lives more comfortable, imo. To make a difference.


Yeah, we need to immediately start demonstrating against drag queen advocates," Colin Kaepernick and Obama, stat.

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I can’t even…

wow :cry:

Weird how 2 guys who have been irrelevant since 2016 are suddenly the cause of violence.

Troll of the Week?



I haven’t played the White Replacement video game that the El Paso shooter mentioned so many times in his manifesto. Is it fun?


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From a former GOP congressman who knows the deal


FYI, that guy is really terrible on his takes. He lost in the Tea Party wave and keeps acting like anyone give a fk about him.

I know this girl. My Dad is good friends with their family. I’ve been to many Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners there. I feel like I watched her grow up. They are the nicest family in the world. They pretty much adopt anyone who doesn’t have somewhere to go on Christmas. And they give their gifts to charity instead of each other. I can’t imagine what they’re going through.

I went on vacation last week - 3 mass shootings and this happened while I was off.