‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Love this article. I think it came out a few months ago, after a different shooting, but it’s been shared around some today. I appreciate the veteran’s perspective, too.

“Fuck You, I like guns.”

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First Fridays takes place down near Kemper Arena, ya, or?

Don’t know about this one but it seems like some of these manifestos are fake or have some fake in it, a lot of these dudes are just fucking sociopath trolls. I hate them too but this need to immediately blame others and immediately upon whatever you initially see is driving me nuts. Sadly, our media and culture only feeds that bullshit. It’s their side blah blah blah when you’d hope the majority of people are on the side of the victims and not the shooter but nope.

What do you mean by fake?

Disagree. This is at least in part a problem of self-narrative or Weltanschauung. The status quo since at least the end of the Cold War has left a lot of people, younger people especially, without appropriate tools to construct stories to tell themselves about themselves. The Richard Spencer types offer them that, at least - Yer a white man, 'Arry. - and the adventure begins. It’s nasty and angry and brutal, but young men don’t mind that quite so much. It appeals, even, to their wide-eyed cynicism.

There’s often an uncertainty, a lack of sure-footedness, in their manifestos. But it’s not insincerity, it’s just lack of practice. Belief is what they’ve been looking for, it’s a mistake, though probably not a major one, to think their belief isn’t genuine.


This is at Crossroads - just South of downtown.



should’ve killed him, but then there would’ve been no bailing-out-of-jail via a gofundme account

that’s the real crux here, what can you do if you value your freedom, and the answer is not much

If there was some Soros-funded vigilante group. Top Secret, the best legal representation if needed etc etc

that would be cool

lol real talk

Like the top secret response to the Munich Olympics by the Isreali Gov.

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Kids with kill and rape lists might just silently disappear.

There would have to be massive data collecting

I’m devastated seeing the pictures of the girl that got killed. I can’t imagine what they’re going through. They are a big extended family like mine - so loving and generous. I always thought we got pretty lucky to have so many aunts and uncles and cousins and avoid major tragedy so far. Everything has changed forever for their family now.

It sounds like the killer was just firing randomly to scare off some people he got into an altercation with. Idiot 18-year-old who legally bought his gun and just had to carry it around. Probably trying to be a tough guy with his friends. The look on his mugshot basically says it all, “I fucked up, wasn’t even trying to kill anyone, and now I’m going away for life.”

Fuck this country and our stupid infatuation with guns. It doesn’t have to be like this. Every other civilized country on earth figured it out a long time ago.


In lighter news, the Feral Hogs trend on twitter right now is pretty good. It got started here:

I made the mistake of looking in on the 2+2 thread on gun control. Roughly 80% of the posters need to be sewn in a burlap sack and thrown in the ocean. Jesus.



If you are using a semi auto to hunt you are a shit hunter and a shit human being. No hardcore hunter I know would ever stoop to that - I know it’s a shitty sport or whatever but there is some honor and respect to nature involved in it (among the good ones). Yea yea I know. But really, the whole “wut about hunting autos guyzzzz” is a bullshit strawman and if anyone engages you with that it should be an indicator theyre completely full of shit.

I don’t know. I am curious about who the secret service take an oath to. The President? The country? Both?

I think wishing Mitch mccconnell suffers extreme pain and even meets a fairly common demise for a senior citizen is on the very tame end of the rhetoric scale.

We all know Stephen Miller is going to go down as one of the worst villains in the modern age. Everyone else’s place, good or bad, forms after him.

That dude should run for President some day.
