‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I suggest that dumb fuck move.

This fucking idiot


1998 called. It wants its talking points back.

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Biden should be running as a Republican.


Fuck off, Joe.

god fucking damnit

Made the mistake of trying to talk about these shootings with my parents when I went to pick my son up. Immediate response was yes it’s tragic BUT THE SOFTBALL SHOOTER and the Dayton shooter liked Liz Warren (confirmed no where fwiw).

Biden is an absolute fucking disgrace.

It’s bad enough 40% of the country wants Trump. Its almost as bad that half of another 50% want Joe fucking Biden.

I seriously think I’m out of here once my kids are adults.

Separately, really good chance we’re headed for a VERY ugly recession. And the government has no tools to fight it. Deficit is already $1+ trillion, and interest rates are already basically zero. Could be a lost decade or more.

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he’s going for JEB voters now

He’s courting Joe Lieberman for running mate. I don’t even know if I’m joking.

bob corker

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Ya I made the mistake of looking at the old forum myself. Scary and seems like a place that could easily be a breeding ground for a mass shooter these days.

So basically exactly what Mason wanted.


While I think stupid poor white people who vote GOP are terrible humans, they are nothing compared to people like Mason. I get being a desperate uneducated loser with nothing to keep you going other than resentment. I absolutely do not get being a comfortable upper-middle class white guy and cheerleading this horror show. What an enormous piece of shit Mason Malmuth is. Not that I’m trying to trip the search results for Mason Malmuth, a fat tub of shit poker author, or imply that Mason Malmuth is a racist scumbag asshat chode loser.


If it makes you feel any better traffic in that forum seems way, way down to me.

And NYT, this is how it’s done you gutless cowards:

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This is what I assume 8chan is like. Losers who get the joke sprinkled with super losers who don’t.

"“I feel shitty having let him be in the band, doing those lyrics,” Creekbaum said. “Because I know, like, whereas I saw it as a joke — like, ‘Let’s play this and we’ll shock some people,’ and then the people that we know laugh — he didn’t see it as a joke. He was like, ‘Fuck, yeah. We’re gonna do this.’”

“It’s like, Jesus Christ, how much of this was like real life for him?” he said."

This is quite the paragraph…

Menstrual Munchies often performed with other regional acts like Necro Cannibal Ass Grinder, Bill Nye da Nazi Spy, and ■■■■ Torch, playing festivals like the Pornfieldz of Illinoise Grindfest or a former venue in Columbia, Missouri, called UPS — Under the Porn Shop, named for its location beneath the Venus Adult Megastore, owned by the mother of fellow scenester Zach Walton, of the band Groin Mallet.

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This is the point I keep trying to get across when people want to harp on the left for inaccuracies. We are literally in a disinformation war. One side does not live in reality. Yes we should strive to be accurate. But we should spend literally zero time fretting about the times when we aren’t or worse - fragging others on the left. It is a molehill to the mountain of bullshit that’s about to smother this country.

Being accurate wins exactly zero points with the right. They will just make up their own facts any time they need to. You will never convince one Republican to switch sides with the truth. So if the only people accuracy matters to are others on the left - stop fucking obsessing about it.


It sounds like the stuff you would see in the movie “Green Room”