‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

I won’t feel any better until it’s a ghost town.

Dispatches from the Rust Belt:



This is what you’re up against btw - from Chiefsplanet. New shootings just make these people buy more guns and get more entrenched.


Oh wow these guys who can drop $400-$600 on new toys at the drop of a hat sure seem like authentic salt of the earth, economically anxious Midwesterners. Better send a team of NYT reporters to scour their favorite diners.


If I wanted to kill these people, I’d just use poison. Good luck using a gun against that.

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lol rabblerouser chiming in - a known depressive loser with family and job problems.

A loser so profound with travails so well-documented over there, he was exiled to a containment area within CP.

Unfit for the CP general population, soaking up stimuli on instruments of death.

It’s amazing to me that nobody on the right understands the difference between a shooter liking Bernie or Liz, then committing mass murder in an UNRELATED event and someone acting on Trump’s rhetoric.

Saying he liked Liz Warren, thus she shares some blame would be like saying he likes vanilla ice cream so we better give it some blame.

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This is getting way to little attention IMO. The combination of the tax cuts blowing up the deficit and the Fed keeping rates low (while Trump screams and yells that they aren’t at 0) is just a total disaster waiting to happen when we have a recession. But sure, slap some more tariffs on, spin the revolver and put it to the economy’s head again, what could go wrong? We run good, right?

Reroka said:

“I have at least 2 guns in every room of my house. Ranging from AR-15s to handguns and shot guns. If some ass hat breaks in I do not have to run half way a cross my home for a gun.”

Did anyone bring it to Reroka’s attention that whoever breaks in ALSO will not have to run halfway across his home for a gun? That if they break in to a different room than the one he’s in, they’ll be armed with one of the two guns in that room before they get to the room he’s in? This guy’s a real favorite to be killed with his own gun if anyone ever breaks into his house, unless of course they’re all secured in biometric safes and such… Which seems unlikely given his emphasis on speedily getting to one of his guns.

If someone posted “I have at least 2 guns in every room of my house… if some ass hat breaks in I do not have to run half way a cross my home for a gun” from here in Straya, I would notify the authorities/mental health services and not really feel like it had been a close decision.


A friend of my mom’s, older than her, a very old lady and her very old husband, neither of whom could hear anything unless you shouted, were like that. There was nowhere in their house where you couldn’t get to a loaded gun quickly. One time I had the very dangerous assignment of going over there to check on them.


Your microbet mission, should you choose to accept it.

My cousin’s ex-husband, a police officer no less, was like this. He proudly boasted to me of his household’s security plan: a gun hidden in every single room of their house, in addition to another dozen or so locked away in his garage.

As you can imagine, no amount of mass shooting carnage has ever come close to nudging him from his views on US gun law.

Corporate debt has spiralled to levels we experienced right before the crash of 08, close to 10 trillion while treasury bond yield curve has been inverted for the entire last quarter and it’s still widening. We are in for some rough economic times in the not so distant future


Sean Hannitard

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Looks like we got some Antifa talking points incoming


It’s going to be so gross and infuriating to see this shouted from the rooftops while the direct correlation between the El Paso terrorist and DJT/Fox gets totally swept under the rug.

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