‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Maybe we need an economy thread but you guys are right. The economy has pretty much reinflated all the 2008 bubbles, we are running record deficits and interest rates have only a few clicks to go down. A catastrophic level economic event is only a matter of time but I think as always there is no telling if this will all blow up before the election or 5 years down the road.

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Yeah. Except that Antifa isn’t President of the United States.

Mike Huckabee thinks the problem with America and guns is that we don’t have enough thoughts and prayers. Seriously. He said that.

“In fact, amid all the finger-pointing and blame-laying and repulsive attempts to turn these tragedies to political advantage before the bodies are even cold, I would posit that the lack of thought and prayers is probably the single biggest factor in what is behind them.”

The full post

No way man, this time the houses really did magically go up in value by 50% in 3 years.

At least he will get to be involved in that shootout fantasy he’s so clearly wishing to happen.

Yep, this article.

Men, why is it always young men?

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This is a fun thread

I PLEDGE TO WORK FOR FREE for any school to help secure the children, especially my daughter Jenny. I am a retired colonel John Matrix. I have a conceal carry, Primary and Alternate side arms, an AR-15, and all necessary tactical gear

Narrator: She still got kidnapped.

Just a fluke



I feel bad for the bandmate, guy thought they were all just being edgelords with their lyrics and was shocked to discover the singer was a true believer.

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eh, i don’t feel that bad. edgelords infuriate me. maybe i’m just old.

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I want to be a meta-edgelord and say outrageous things that offend edgelords.


Just tell them to eat their vegetables over and over


“Do you have any siblings?”

“Yes. Hey, check out this YouTube…”

There used to be a zine called Answer Me! that was basically all rape fantasies. We thought it was edgy when we were like 20. The creator said it was his outlet so he didn’t do it IRL. I wonder how many actual rapes it inspired?

And of course the Anarchy! zine, which reliably had one pro-NAMB.LA article every edition. So edgy! They must really believe in free speech to put that stuff in there, which I’m suuuuuure they don’t agree with. Noble really.

Reminder that Bill Barr’s dad wrote a book about sex slavery and hired Jeffrey Epstein

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