‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

So wait this guy had a leftist Twitter account?

Perfect. Deplorables will bring this up every fucking time a shooter spreads some kind of white supremacy creed. But what about the Dayton shooter? He hated cops!

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He liked some liberal stuff on twitter. He had no manifesto or anything.

So the manifesto was white supremacy but he threw in some leftist likes.

Lotta both sidesism coming if it hasn’t yet.

Too many shootings to keep track of all the details but:
El Paso - Manifesto and white supremacy
Toledo Dayton - Shooter’s alleged twitter liked Warren/Sanders stuff

Geez fucking deplorables are gonna hang onto that Dayton shooting for a decade.

Again - it’s just twitter likes and stuff. There was no manifesto from the Dayton shooter, while there was from the El Paso shooter. Be sure to immediately point that out in any context it comes up. Stamp out the brushfire before it gets started.

I think I read he had a post implying the shooting was related to a desire to bring about socialism, and in any case it doesn’t seem like an unreasonable stretch to believe he might have been motivated politically. Hanging your hat on a lack of manifesto could be dangerous but also it’s not even the point. He could’ve had a manifesto that said “I’m doing this for Warren 2020” but it would be wrong because Warren has never advocated for mass shootings, and there’s nothing in her platform that even begins to promote that idea. On the other hand, the El Paso shooter could’ve omitted his manifesto and it would still be Trump’s fault because Trump has literally advocated for people shooting immigrants at the border. Establishing that he was a Trump supporter carrying out Trump’s wishes is enough.

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I remember Answer Me! very well and in retrospect it deserves a ton of criticism, but this is kind of an unfair representation. There was a lot more to it than that and the rape issue in particular - which resulted in an obscenity trial - also contained some pretty difficult to read first-hand accounts from rape survivors. The overall tone was very far from pro-rape.

What the magazine specialized in was having an intentionally extreme edgelord veneer designed to shock and offend as many as possible, but the actual content was a lot more nuanced and never really advocated the things people claim it did. That was their shtick - riling people up but never saying the things people thought they were saying. And they weren’t doing it as a dog whistle, they were doing it because they thought it was clever and demonstrated their superior intelligence or whatever. In reality the whole thing was just childish.

Last I checked, the main author was still doing basically the same thing and is deplorable-adjacent.

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If the Dayton shooter had a manifesto or even just “liked” Warren, Bernie and Socialism AND had targeted a Wall Street Bank board meeting then it would be fair to suggest that it was politically motivated.

If the El Paso shooter with that manifesto had shot up a bar and killed his sister, sure people would be posting about Trump, but it wouldn’t have been nearly the same thing.

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He shot his sister and I’m assuming she was a target rather than a strange coincidence - so it certainly doesn’t sound political unless that family takes pol extremely seriously.


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Video games are pretty popular as well

cocaine is extremely popular btw


Texting while driving/sitting in first position at red lights is a fan fave

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And here we go


see he’s not implying that, he’s just sharing the title of a wsj article

Not paying taxes is popular

I like reggae.


This guy’s up in 2020, and Beto ripped on the press for enabling. Is there any place the GOP won’t ‘shoot’ themselves in the foot? Beto, this is your chance to baste this idiot. Drop out and run against the jerk.

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