‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

This is a good and accurate take. This shooting is an argument for banning at least AR-15’s more than it’s an argument for ‘only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun’.

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God is good


Quote from this guy says it all.

Wilson, who is a firearm instructor and head of the church’s volunteer security, fired one shot. “I don’t feel like I killed an individual, I killed evil. And that’s how I’m approaching it. That’s how I’m processing,” he said.



That’s satire. Right? Please tell me that’s attire satire.


$450?!? the cost of freedom just keeps going up

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Inflation is awful, remember when it was $1.05

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I can’t tell. I clicked Paypal and took me through to make a real payment.

It’s satire mixed with scamming. I don’t believe for a second that hoodie is even bullet resistant (how? look at it?). Notice that they promise to give you your money back if your child is killed wearing it… even though your child being involved in a mass shooting is incredibly statistically unlikely.

There’s all kinds of false advertising going on if that’s really claiming to be able to stop a .357 round, but who knows what’s allowed these days.

Yeah that hoodie doesn’t look like it would stop an air rifle. And if it could stop something real it would cost a lot more than 450. It just looks like grift + comedy to me. A grifter with a sense of humor perhaps.

Unfortunately the people they are probably trying to make fun of are ‘triggered’ parents who are scared their kid is going to die in a statistically unlikely mass shooting.

I couldn’t believe that it’s real either, so I went down the rabbithole…

The level of ballistic protection they’re claiming is literally ballistic plates.

At level III , we transition to soft body armor vests to the world of ballistic plate levels. Ballistic body armor plates are also referred to as rifle plates or hard armor plates. Level III rifle plates are designed to stop 6 spaced hits of 7.62x51mm NATO FMJ (U.S. Military designation M80) at a velocity of ~2780 ft/s, which is very similar to the .308 Winchester round often used in hunting. Some manufacturers (ourselves included) also offer hard armor rifle plates that are referred to as level III+. While the NIJ does not recognize the rating of level III+, these plates typically have the + to indicate that they stop the same rounds at higher velocities or to indicate protect from NIJ threat level III plus additional threats such as M855 and M193. Level III and III+ body armor plates can be found at a variety of different price points depending on the rifle plate’s weight and material. The cheapest and heaviest of these options are typically steel body armor plates which can weigh anywhere from 8-10 lbs depending on the size of the plate. While more expensive options such as those made from Polyethylene or ceramic, can weigh as little as 3 pounds.

So, cool, they’ve sewn ten pounds of ballistic plates into a hoodie. Sounds comfy.

They also claim results from a ballistic testing company that I was able to track down and appears at a brief glance to be legit.

My 5-minute verdict is it’s legit, not satire, but is uncomfortable and heavy as fuck.

Nice, so not only are your kids protected from armed psychos, but they’ll also get swole as fuck from basically walking around in a weight vest all day. A real win-win.

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Pretty sure a .357 round could easily kill a kid just from impact - w/o penetrating the skin.

They’re basically selling dragon insurance - given the likelihood a kid will ever get shot wearing one.

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Its essentially this

Yeah I mean it’s not like bulletproof vests are magical things that bullets bounce off of and you laugh, you will still get fucked up if you’re shot, just not have a bullet piercing your organs. With small kids I could easily see them experiencing internal bleeding etc…I can’t even imagine there are any studies on it but who knows.

It’s 100% not satire, if there’s false advertising going on it might be that some of the pictures are taken without the kevlar inserts. It’s not the worst idea ever, either. I’d consider wearing something like that to the movies, large concerts, or other similar events.

Worth keeping an eye on Virginia in the next few weeks, especially around January 20th. It’s a big lobbying day, and there is supposed to be big turnout from both pro gun control groups (who are stoked about the new blue legislature) and the anti-control folks who are vowing to go full Heston. Some pretty spicy rhetoric is being thrown around, so it’s worth monitoring.

120v throws you back. >240v sucks you in