‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

How did he not win a aignificant lawsuit? Either against the employer or the lift manufacturer?

He did. I know in his 20s he didn’t have to work. Not sure what he’s doing now.

He got lucky - his face wasn’t touched but the back and some side of his neck, and his back, looked like hamburger.

Gun control news from around the world:
Chairman of the Austrian Social Democrat Party in Tyrolia leaves a loaded hunting rifle in his car and the window open. Police confiscates the rifle and he is now indefinitely barred from owning firearms.


suzzer, i don’t mean to make fun of him, bc once you get bit by electricity once or twice you don’t blow that shit off, but your post reminded me of the simpsons episode where homer’s head turned into a donut so he figured ‘f it’ and started eating it…

If you didn’t make a baseball bat from that tree, you missed out on a huge opportunity.

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I thought I was well versed in everything baseball. But you’re gonna have to explain that one. I don’t have the skills to do anything like that but I know someone that does. Is it worth chopping down the rest of this tree. Shitty pic but it’s cold and I’m not going outside right now. If you zoom in you can see right where it split.

It’s a reference to the book/movie The Natural.

And I feel dumb and revoke my posting privileges for the day.

It was also famously parodied in The Simpsons


No worries. I miss references all the time.

I’m also now at the age where I don’t understand pop culture that my 13-year old is talking about.


It took me like 6 months to realize that Post Malone was a person and not a reference to Karl Malone playing basketball.


I think his name is a reference to Karl Malone?

I’m sure it is. But I didn’t know it was a different person. I thought it was Karl Malone and I was wondering why he was relevant again considering he retired 20 years ago.

Just gonna bump this thread (not because I have a lightning update) but because it’s been 7 years since Sandy Hook. I was in Newtown the day after it happened for a Xmas party at a college roommate’s house and even going to the grocery store to grab beer was surreal with the sadness in the community. It was shortly after that I lost all hope that anything gun related will ever get done in this country.

If the murder of 20 first graders and 6 educators is not enough to move the needle, nothing is. I have hope on lots of progressive issues but firearms is not one of them and for that I’m sad.

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Yeah, this is one of those areas where the US is so out of step with the rest of the civilized world that it’s just mind boggling.

Editing to say I should probably strike through “the rest of” since in so many ways the US really isn’t very civilized.

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Another day, another shooting in a house of worship. This service was apparently being live streamed when it all went down. Shooter was killed by an armed security guard so get ready for an onslaught of “see, moar guns r better you libtards”.

I feel like a lot of people doing stuff like this may have mental illnesses and it makes me feel pretty sad.

The bad guy had a shotgun. Give him an AR-15 with high capacity magazine and a bulletproof vest and see what happens.

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house of worship needs armed security guards isn’t a point in favor of your argument sir

Yeah id agree. Which is why we need much stricter gun laws.

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