This. When you say “Tragedies happen,” Catcus, the simple fact is that they happen with guns because guns are in the home. Full stop. Statistically, you are going to hurt your family more than anyone who is intending harm because you have guns in the home. My kids, statistically, will not be harmed by a gun in the home because I don’t have a gun in the home. The odds that my kids are victims of gun violence inside the house are close enough to 0 to be considered such. Your family’s odds are not the same, because you choose to have a gun, responsible or not.
I get that. I was just trying to find something to compare the guilt that grandfather must’ve felt killing his own grandson.
I don’t have kids and honestly, I might go gunless if and when I do. I’d have to seriously think about it. But as @JohnnyTruant brought up, how do you know what the situation is when your kid is playing over at a friend’s house who might be gun owners? I mean, there are all sorts of other ways parents can be irresponsible and put kids’ lives in danger other than guns. My sister was driving with her friend with both their kids in the car when her friend starts texting while driving. Needless to say, my niece will never be allowed to ride in a car driven by that friend again. I’m just saying there are many ways to be irresponsible and reckless
“That’d never happen in my house ’cause I’m a responsible gun owner. I keep my guns locked in a safe.”
“Wait there, fuck-face!
This is just another version of “we can’t ban every gun so we shouldn’t try to ban any gun.” It’s bullshit.
Jim Jeffries? If you’re gonna use him to make a point, at least post the link to the routine. I love his stuff
But we can ban every gun. Just make them 100% illegal. It would a monumental undertaking to push through, but it can be done
Here’s what I don’t understand. Instead of being for banning some guns on one side, why not be consistent and go for banning them all? You’ll get no argument from me that it’s pretty ridiculous for semi automatic assault rifles to be legal. But I’m guessing you only feel that way when it comes to civilians. It’s perfectly okay with you that cops have them standard issue in the back seats of their squad car, right?
I know it would piss a ton of gun owners off badly but I’d support repealing the 2nd amendment. It’s poorly written and from a time when the technology was just wildly different. I want to be able to go to the public places without paying attention to where the emergency exits are.
Bolt action hunting rifles with a permit are fine. Guns for rent at shooting ranges are fine. The murder rate in this country is as high as it gets in the developed world and that isn’t.
ok - didn’t because I know it’s been posted before at the old place - but not here yet so
(thought there was a full version rather than 2 parts but can’t find it)
I’m pretty sure that ~everyone here would be OK with adopting e.g. the UK’s stance on firearms in the hands of civilians and police in toto. What was looney toons about your earlier meltdown was the order in which you thought guns should be banned, and your justification for it.
Once I heard that his apartment had a welcome mat, and hers did not, that was enough for me. You Would know instantly that you were at the wrong door just based on that.
Im curious what makes you think anyone here agrees with this?
Oooof, the “Still hasn’t been beaten” line in the Jeffries special is tough to hear after Vegas.
She was the first Dallas cop to be held accountable since the 1970’s.
Here’s another thing that pisses me off about guns. My cellphone automatically locks and I need to either type in a code or use my fingerprint to open the phone. No one else can open it up. So why the fuck aren’t guns installed with this technology? You want to be a “responsible gun owner?” Fine. So buy your precious little gun and only YOU can use it. That means even if it’s stolen, no one can have access.
Another thing. Except for hunting game, why do guns need lethal power? It makes no fucking sense. The idea that they are used for protection is bullshit. You could decrease the amount of energy released by a bullet by 99% and it would still stop anyone in their tracks. But there’s no fun in that right? Better to let the son of a bitch die. Guns are meant to murder people. Period.
Dude why are you trying to mess with my God given 2nd amendment rights to have a musket without your 21st century technology attached?
I 100% agree with your first paragraph, but not the second. If someone who is armed charges you and your life is threatened, you don’t try to shoot them in the leg. You aim for the kill zone and double tap
Yes… Guns are meant to kill
Not just that. It’s also messed up to keep bringing up police brutality and how citizens guns somehow protect against it. If that was the case being the most armed nation we would have the least amount of police violence.