‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

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In Oz, crazy guy with a knife stabs one person and is then subdued by bystanders using chairs and poles. In America, this guy would have been able to shoot dozens before being stopped. But tell me more about how the problem is mental health and not access to guns.


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Love this argument

I’m not for vigilante justice

But vigilante justice


I don’t blow up building yet here I am not allowed to bring my shampoo on a plane and have to used peasant shampoo at the hotel.


I mean it’s just common sense this kind of firepower should be legal and available to anyone - especially in this environment where angry young men are being radicalized on the internet.

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They got Cactus?

Cops stopping the Dayton shooter in 32 seconds was amazing. That massacre could have been so much worse.

Yeah that’s not a very good result for the best case response though…

It’s so gross watching the media yet again pontificate about gun control coming from this Congress. You can literally pull the football on these people endless times and they never learn.

Maybe if cops start dying wholesale they’ll do something??

The Dallas shooter killed five cops and nothing changed.

But apparently the cops are supposed to disarm first and then maybe we’ll think about not allowing 100-round magazines - at some point in the future.


Two cops either being held hostage or trapped in the building, 2nd shooter continuing to take shots at the police for hours. Apparently they tried to storm the building and got repelled? This dude is on some John Wick shit.


Why don’t they just blow it up with a robot.

Must be Cactus.

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The way they frame it as a problem with “congress” at all tilts me too. It’s the fucking Republicans’ fault. Not saying all Democrats are perfect here, but come on. Call a spade a spade.


HR 8 - Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 and HR 1112 - Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2019 have been waiting for the Senate to do anything since 3/4 and 3/5, respectively.

There have been 214 mass shootings in the meantime.

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This is just irresponsible. I have never made threats online or anywhere else. God you’re a disgusting POS

Post better or learn to take a joke.