‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

Haha just joking about you killing people haha so funny


As far as I know, neither person mentioned killed anyone, but thanks for the input!

Would you dumbasses at least quote the person you’re having a slapfight with so I don’t have to scroll up to see what the meltdown is all about?

It’s this thing: image


No, but I’ll quote you!

I dunked on Cactus a couple times, and he got very triggered and snowflaked out about it, and tabbaker came to his rescue by claiming I was joking about Cactus killing people, but nobody got killed as far as I know.

It’d be annoying if he wasn’t so horrifically bad at trolling. It’s just funny.

It’s breathtaking how intellectually dishonest you and the majority of posters I’ve encountered here are when it comes to twisting words, or putting entirely different words directly into someone’s mouth, and even attributing quotes that were never said (-circa Cactus 2019). It’s also glaringly obvious that you’re all buddies (from 22 I presume?) and you all pile on for one huge gang fuck

I’m done talking about guns or the reason(s) to own them. You’re obviously unfamiliar or just don’t care the extent of how police in big cities trample the rights of citizens and much more often than not, it’s at the expense of minorities who you claim to care about. It doesn’t matter whether you think an armed populace does any good or not. What matters is that we should have every right to be just as armed as they are

Most gun owners wouldn’t even give you the time of day. They’d just say, “fuck you try to take mine away and see what happens.”. Discussion over. I at least tried to engage in an intellectual and sincere conversation about my biggest issue for not wanting to give up gun rights. And the funny part is no one’s arguing that city police are over militarized and in some cases out of control. You’re just arguing that I don’t have the right to get my own head blown off if I should ever so choose to take a stance

intellectual and sincere conversation in rainbow colors please

You don’t have to scroll up. Just click on the icon over here.----------------------------------------- ^

LOL as others pointed out, it was clearly not depicting that as something you actually said. Anyone reading it with any clue could understand that… So if it upset you deeply, I’d suggest getting a clue.

You’re obviously unfamiliar with my posting history, my history of public discourse, and my protesting history.

Gee, thanks, Mr. Cactus, for giving me the time of day. Golly, I sure am grateful you took the time out of your busy schedule to spout some complete and utter bullshit into this here conversation. Mighty kind of you, sir.

If that was your best attempt at an intellectual and sincere conversation, your intellect is severely lacking.

You have the reading comprehension of a child.

We’re all explaining that the only thing you’re going to do by attempting to take a violent stand against the police force is increase your odds of getting your own head blown off.

I don’t think joking about another poster shooting at police because you don’t agree with his position on a topic is warranted.

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If you dont agree with me about not giving up my guns until cops do you dont want police reform and want them militarized! And you dont care about minorities!

Very intellectually honest and not making up positions for people.

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We all know a hallmark of honest intellectual discussion is defining other people’s positions for them.

His position on the topic is that he wants the guns so that he can shoot at police with weaponry as powerful as they have if they come after him. Like, that’s literally his position, laid out in numerous posts.

I think that’s a disingenuous take on the events that transpired in a way to frame him as someone that seeks out shooting cops.

I didn’t frame him as someone who seeks out shooting cops.


His take about not disarming the populace before disarming cops is spicy or whatever but it’s gross to “joke” about him being a gun nut making threats or worse, an active shooter in the middle of a standoff.


Why is it gross, what harm is it resulting in? Cactus is completely unmoved that so many others are deeply saddened and outraged by daily nightmares of his gun policies. When we get mad, he mocks us for being overly moved by these particular deaths. He acts like the most callous motherfucker alive when people get slaughtered, then is the most sensitive snowflake when it comes to a joke. Fuck that.


The first guy made threats but didn’t do anything, and the intent of the joke was that Cactus would be the type to have 25 guns and 10,000 rounds of ammo. The second guy did almost exactly what Cactus said he wanted guns for… He engaged in an hours-long shootout with the cops when they came to arrest him. Thankfully, nobody was killed.

I think it’s gross to come on here and troll about guns after two mass shootings. I think if you’re going to come on here and troll, you better be prepared to take a harsh joke.

Cuse, you don’t understand, the cops had a good reason to arrest that guy. Cactus clearly implied that if he shoots cops it will be because they are arresting for a bad reason, in his opinion. How do you not get the disintinction? Lol.

This thread is so much AIDS.

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