‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens - Gun Violence in America

It sounds more like the quickest way to see genocide by cops.

This is where gun owners would disagree. If cops knew that everyone on the street was carrying and people looking out of their houses, apartments, stores, all had guns and were willing to use them against tyranny, they’d be a lot LESS likely to try and stop and bully people on the street for no reason. There would less kidnappings, less arrests for petty non violent crimes. The only time they’d be stopping people is if there were an actual crime, which everyone but the criminals would be fine with them being there for

Tucker Carlson went on his prime-time Fox News show in April last year and told his viewers not to be fooled. The thousands of Central Americans on their way to the United States were “border jumpers,” not refugees, he said. “Will anyone in power do anything to protect America this time,” he asked, “or will leaders sit passively back as the invasion continues?”

When another group approached the border six months later, Ann Coulter, appearing as a guest on Jeanine Pirro’s Fox News show, offered a dispassionately violent suggestion about what could be done to stem the flow of migrants: “You can shoot invaders.”

A few days after, Rush Limbaugh issued a grim prognosis to his millions of radio listeners: If the immigrants from Central America weren’t stopped, the United States would lose its identity. “The objective is to dilute and eventually eliminate or erase what is known as the distinct or unique American culture,” Mr. Limbaugh said, adding: “This is why people call this an invasion.”

There is a striking degree of overlap between the words of right-wing media personalities and the language used by the Texas man who confessed to killing 22 people at a Walmart in El Paso this month. In a 2,300-word screed posted on the website 8chan, the killer wrote that he was “simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.”

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IUDs are notoriously difficult to turn into an effective weapon.


The transition from a few people carrying to everyone carrying isnt a sudden jump but a long period where more blacks and Hispanics are carrying than the cops are comfortable with, and is when the mass shootings start.

You haven’t met my gf

rim shot


In 1967, after armed Black Panthers marched on the state capitol, the NRA came out in support of banning the open carry law in California. Stalwart NRA advocate Governor Ronald Reagan signed the Mulford Bill into law which outlawed open carry 6 weeks later.

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I just caught this. Hilarious. Yeah obv I meant ied lol.

I wonder how many other right-wingers on Chiefsplanet or well-named’s disaster forum would pretty much admit the same thing if you got a few beers in them in the right company?

What is well-named’s disaster forum? Sounds like a treat.

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Hey, uh, let’s try to not actively encourage armed insurrection here. It’s best if we don’t wind up on a terrorism watch list.

No one is trying to do that. The issue is guns and why some are not willing to give them up and why others are all too willing. Are guns useful when it comes to defending life and liberty? Or are they just a placebo that give gun nuts solace when they are in fact useless for most practical purposes?

Tried saying this before but yea 100%

For real though. Let me be very clear: everything I said in this thread was intended to encourage Cactus and people like him to NOT hoard weapons in preparation for armed conflict with the government. Nor do I believe that we are anywhere close to the point where that would be needed.

Cactus with one of the all-time dumbest posts I’ve ever seen, a) accusing me of supporting the militarization of police and hand-waving away their murders of unarmed minorities which couldn’t be farther from the truth, b) actually arguing that those minorities would be in a better situation had they started shooting at cops, c) continuing to think it’s a good idea to link gun control and de-militarization of police and d) continuing to argue that someone with an AR-15 can take on a tyrannical government with tanks, bombs, fighter jets and drones.

Throwing in D was just a perfect little cherry on top of a shit sundae.

Like, it makes total logical sense… if someone has absolutely no freaking clue what the current state of affairs is in US politics. It’d be like saying, “I support single payer as soon as people stop eating McDonald’s.”

OK, cool, so you don’t support it and you’re too cowardly to admit it.

What’s dumb AF is how the same people who (rightfully) point out the swift and utter devastation that an assault rifle can cause in the hands of a single lunatic also think the 5M+ currently in the possession of sane competent gun owners are totally useless

We don’t think you’re sane.

Minorities would be better off (and certainly no worse off) if they were properly armed. They at least have the right to be. You want to keep them defenseless? Then take away the cop’s assault rifles and body armor

I’m sure you think anyone who hasn’t been herded into your group think can’t be sane. A progressive who supports 2A?! WE DON’T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH THAT! TROLL! LIBERTARIAN! GTFO!

This is a horrendous statement to make, even more so if you are a white fairly comfortable American. Unfucking real this man

You don’t get to make unfounded statements backed by nothing. Well, I guess you do, but it’s a shortcut to thinking. Explain…

It’s also racist AF to assume it unthinkable for black and brown people to be pro 2A